Amber Foie Gras

Amber Foie Gras

by Ocean moon

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This is a typical Chinese and Western fusion dish. The raw foie gras of Western food is matched with Chinese-style meringues. The western-style serving plate, coupled with the Chinese-style seasoning, gives off an amber-colored luster to the flower carving jelly, creating a romantic atmosphere. "

Amber Foie Gras

1. The raw materials for making Huadiao jelly: Huadiao wine, sorghum wine, isinglass powder.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

2. Put Huadiao wine, sorghum wine, and water in a small pot to boil, add appropriate amount of isinglass powder to boil. The amount of isinglass powder is stated on the packaging box.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

3. Pour into a deep dish, put it in the refrigerator and let it solidify.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

4. Divide into small pieces for later use.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

5. The fat foie gras is naturally thawed in cold water to remove the residual blood stains in the foie gras.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

6. Take 250 grams of foie gras, remove blood vessels and fascia, press into mud, add a small amount of salt to adjust the bottom taste.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

7. Take a plate and a round mold, and spread a small amount of butter on the bottom of the plate and the inner wall of the round mold.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

8. Pour the foie gras into the round mold.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

9. Wrap it with tin foil and put it in the oven. Bake at medium temperature for about 1 hour and take it out.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

10. Remove the tin foil, a small part of the fat will be baked out.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

11. Choose four thin wonton wrappers.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

12. Put it in a frying pan to fry the pastry and remove it, and put it on a piece of paper to absorb the excess oil.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

13. Mix the oyster sauce vinaigrette with oyster sauce, balsamic vinegar and sugar.

Amber Foie Gras recipe

14. Put the puff pastry on the bottom of the plate, cool the roasted foie gras, put it on the puff pastry, add the flower carving jelly, add a few pomegranate seeds to garnish, and finally top with the oyster sauce vinaigrette.

Amber Foie Gras recipe


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