Breakfast Omelette

Breakfast Omelette

by Mr. Bento

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One day’s plan is in the morning. A good breakfast can make you feel more energetic throughout the day. If you want to say a delicious, easy to cook, and nutritious breakfast, it is none other than egg pancakes. The three major nutrients (carbohydrates, protein, fat) are combined to give you full energy~

Breakfast Omelette

1. ·Ingredients·
[Main ingredients] 100 grams of flour | 1 egg [Accessories]: 2 tablespoons of sweet chili sauce | appropriate amount of chopped green onion | appropriate amount of chopped coriander |

Breakfast Omelette recipe

2. Stir the flour while adding water.

Breakfast Omelette recipe

3. Stir it into a paste.

Breakfast Omelette recipe

4. Leave a little oil in the bottom of the pot and pour 2 tablespoons of batter.

Breakfast Omelette recipe

5. Spread out evenly and bake on low heat to set the shape.

Breakfast Omelette recipe

6. Beat in the eggs and gently loosen them.

Breakfast Omelette recipe

7. Sprinkle in black sesame seeds and chopped green onions and turn over.

Breakfast Omelette recipe

8. Spread the sweet chili sauce evenly (it can be your favorite sauce).

Breakfast Omelette recipe

9. Sprinkle in chopped coriander and black sesame seeds and fold.

Breakfast Omelette recipe

10. Cut!

Breakfast Omelette recipe

11. The finished product: a full-fledged breakfast omelet, which will bring you vitality throughout the day.

Breakfast Omelette recipe


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