Cap Bean Paste Buns

Cap Bean Paste Buns

by Bean mommaomao

4.8 (1)







I like red and white hats, they look good.

Cap Bean Paste Buns

1. Prepare the pumpkin, peel, slice, and steam until soft.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

2. Pumpkin puree is added with flour, sugar and yeast to form a smooth, non-sticky dough. Relax for 10 minutes.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

3. The butterfly pea flower is brewed with boiling water and placed at about 40 degrees. Add flour, yeast, sugar and make a smooth, non-sticky dough and relax for 10 minutes.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

4. Add sugar, yeast, and water to the flour to form a smooth, non-sticky dough and relax for 10 minutes.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

5. Take 1/3 of the white dough, add red yeast rice powder, and knead it into a uniform and smooth dough.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

6. Take 1/3 of the white dough, add bamboo charcoal powder, and knead it into a uniform and smooth dough.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

7. Roll the yellow dough into a pancake, and use a five-pointed star mold to press out the five-pointed star for use. It can also be omitted.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

8. The white and black dough is pressed out with a straw to make the top of the hat.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

9. Use thick straws to alternately press out crescents from the red dough to make hat decorations

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

10. Each noodle is 35 grams, and 15 grams of bean paste is packed in. Use the tiger's mouth to close the mouth, and then use the tiger's mouth to slowly shape the unfilled part into a gourd shape.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

11. Press the unfilled end into a pie. Use a knife to press the word "rice" on the bean paste filling part. Affixed with black cap. Then use a round container and press the link part of the brim of the tongue to print it out.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

12. The brim of the hat is decorated with small holes. Affixed with five-pointed star and moon decoration.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

13. Cover the damp cloth to proof to 1.5 times its size

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe

14. Put the steamer in the steamer and steam until the gas is ventilated, then count for 10 minutes, and then simmer for 3 minutes.

Cap Bean Paste Buns recipe


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