Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll

by meggy dancing apple

4.7 (1)







When the new oven arrives at home, we always make some regular cakes to check whether its temperature is accurate. I am used to eating chiffon cakes, and I still like the light and delicate taste. I like to continue to use chiffon techniques to make a beautiful roll cake today.
The new oven is matte and tender. In order to match the handsome appearance of "her", my cake roll today also has a matte and tender shape. The cake is painted with some care, and a pink heart is wrapped in the middle. Echoing from the outside, and my oven is also combined into one. In fact, small changes in life always bring some small surprises, which can be very satisfying.
The pink filling in the middle is made of cream cheese, which is very delicate and slightly salty; the outer layer is also made of cream cheese and light cream, so that it blends well as a whole and is different from the traditional light cream taste. Especially the taste after refrigeration, the delicate, smooth, and rich cream cheese flavor, my son likes it very much. This whole cake roll was "rounded up" by him alone. "


Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll

1. First make the pink heart-shaped sandwich in the middle: Ingredients: 100 grams of cream cheese, 40 grams of whipped cream, 10 grams of sugar, a few drops of edible pink pigment, the actual amount is twice that of all these ingredients, because I made two sandwiches; Cream cheese is weighed in advance and softened at room temperature

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

2. Use an electric whisk to make it smooth and non-granular, then add light cream and a little pink pigment

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

3. Continue to use an electric whisk to beat evenly and make it thick

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

4. Paste the cream cheese into the piping bag

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

5. Clean the sandwich mold and wipe dry with water, cut a small opening at the front end of the piping bag, and squeeze the cheese paste into the mold. Don't fill it all up, leave a free space at one end

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

6. Put the two halves in a pair, put some extra cheese on it, take a piece of greased paper, make a grid, draw a heart-shaped pattern on it, and then spread it on the baking tray and the paste will be squeezed into the surplus space; send the mold into Freeze in the refrigerator for a few hours until it is completely solidified before use

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

7. Take a piece of oiled paper, lay the grid, draw a heart-shaped pattern on it, and spread it on the baking tray

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

8. Now let’s make the cake roll: 4 50g shelled firewood eggs, 65~70g low-gluten flour (cake flour), 60g white sugar for egg whites, 30g corn oil, 40g water, a few drops of red prime

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

9. Separate the yolks and the whites, put the egg whites in an oil- and water-free basin, so that they can be sent later

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

10. Add corn oil and water to the egg yolk in sequence, and mix it evenly without oil and water separation; sugar does not need to be put, the water can be replaced with the same proportion of milk

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

11. Sift in the flour, because the water absorption of the flour is different, so you can reserve about 10 grams of flour

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

12. Use a manual whisk to mix the flour and egg yolk evenly in an irregular direction. Lift the whisk, and it will be thicker and smoothly flow down. If it is too thin, you can sift the reserved 10 grams of flour in stages according to the situation. Remix

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

13. Now start to beat the egg whites: beat the egg whites into thick bubbles with an electric whisk at medium speed, and add 20 grams of sugar

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

14. When the egg whites are delicate and white, add 20 grams of sugar

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

15. When the egg whites show obvious lines, add the remaining 20 grams of sugar; at this time, the oven begins to preheat, 160 degrees, about 10 minutes

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

16. Turning to low speed from medium speed to low speed can make the bubbles small, and feel some resistance under your hand, and when the egg white paste is delicate and shiny, turn off the whisk while lifting the egg head. When the egg white is in the shape of a big hook, the egg white paste is finished.

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

17. Take a little egg yolk paste and double the egg white paste, drop a few drops of red pigment, and mix well with a small spoon

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

18. Paste the red cake into the piping bag, spread a piece of oil paper in the baking tray in advance, and squeeze the red cake paste on the clean oil paper according to the heart-shaped pattern drawn previously; this step must be fast, because the time goes by Longer, the easier it is for the protein paste in the big pot to defoam; then send it to the middle layer of the preheated oven, bake for 2 minutes to shape, and then take it out to dry

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

19. At the same time, take one-third of the egg white paste into the egg yolk paste, and mix it evenly by turning and cutting.

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

20. Pour the mixed batter back into the meringue bowl, and continue to mix and cut into a delicate cake batter

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

21. Pour the cake batter into the baking tray brought out in advance, and use a spatula to slightly flatten the surface

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

22. Re-enter the middle of the oven, 160 degrees, 20 minutes

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

23. After being out of the oven, immediately drag the cake slices out of the baking tray, place them on the drying rack, tear off the surrounding grease paper, and then spread a clean grease paper on the surface to prevent excessive evaporation and drying

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

24. After 5 minutes, turn the cake over, tear off the oily paper at the bottom, and see that red hearts are revealed; cover the surface with clean oily paper

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

25. Let’s make the filling: 300 grams of cream cheese, 70 grams of light cream, 30 grams of white sugar; put the cream cheese and white sugar in an egg-beater and melt in insulated water, which will be more delicate and particle-free. Use after cooling.

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

26. Pour the refrigerated whipped cream into the cheese paste

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

27. Mix well with a whisk

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

28. Spread the cream cheese batter evenly on the cake slices, the first part can be thicker, and the end part should be a thin layer

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

29. Take the frozen pink cheese sandwich out of the mold, faster

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

30. Take a suitable length and spread on one end of the cake slice

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe

31. Roll it up from bottom to top, then wrap it in greased paper, and press it slightly harder to make the sandwich fit tightly; after it is rolled, put it in the refrigerator for more than 1 hour before taking it out and cutting into pieces.

Cream Cheese Sandwich Cake Roll recipe


The middle sandwich must be made of good solidifying ingredients. If you only use pure whipped cream, it is difficult to shape and cannot be demolded; I use Xiyu eggs without anti-chai, and the egg white and egg yolk are less than ordinary eggs, so the flour is Reserve a portion to prevent it from being too dry and difficult to mix into a paste; when squeezing the red heart-shaped cake batter, you must move quickly so that the protein paste in the large bowl will not defoam excessively; the baking time and temperature depend on your own oven Temper to adjust; the cake slices should be completely cooled before applying the filling to prevent the temperature from melting.


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