Duck Droppings Bergamot Tea

Duck Droppings Bergamot Tea

by Tea today

4.8 (1)







A cup of delicious duck feces bergamot tea = good lemon + good tea base + good sugar.

Duck Droppings Bergamot Tea

1. Add 1500cc of hot water to the container, and 50g of Zhaoquan duck feces fragrant tea leaves. Stir evenly so that the tea leaves are soaked in water.

Duck Droppings Bergamot Tea recipe

2. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring once during the process.

Duck Droppings Bergamot Tea recipe

3. After the braising is complete, strain the tea soup into a container with 600g ice cubes. Stir until the ice cubes are completely melted and the tea soup is complete.

Duck Droppings Bergamot Tea recipe

4. Add 8 slices of Guangdong perfume lemon to the Xueke cup, and use a special white lemon stick to explode the sour taste and aroma of lemon.

Duck Droppings Bergamot Tea recipe

5. Add ice to the Xueke cup to the 600cc mark, then add 250cc of duck feces tea soup, and Zhaoquan's special sucrose 55cc. Snow grams evenly (sealing the cup and lid, shaking evenly).

Duck Droppings Bergamot Tea recipe

6. Pour the even liquid and materials of Xueke into the product cup, and fill the cup with ice.

Duck Droppings Bergamot Tea recipe


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