Fried Yuanxiao

Fried Yuanxiao

by Sea waves

4.8 (1)







If you want to eat Lantern Festival, you don’t need to buy it. I will teach you how to make fried Lantern Festival with Northeast flavor. The method is simple, and it tastes better than the one you bought. Happiness and well-being, all the best! "

Fried Yuanxiao

1. This is glutinous corn flour sent by relatives in the countryside. Every household in the northeast rural area will steam sticky bean buns during the Chinese New Year. The flour for sticky bean buns can be rhubarb rice noodles, glutinous corn flour, or glutinous rice flour. Today I use glutinous corn flour. The flour is soaked for a few days before it is fermented and then the flour is ground. This flour does not need to be fermented no matter what you do. It is usually frozen and stored. Take it out in advance and thaw it, and the small bumps can be used.

Fried Yuanxiao recipe

2. To make noodles, this kind of flour needs to be blanched, add an appropriate amount of boiling water and stir it into a flocculent shape. After cooling, knead it into a dough and you can use it.

Fried Yuanxiao recipe

3. Yuanxiao filling is the homemade lotus paste filling prepared before and the ready-made rose bean paste filling. I still like the homemade lotus paste filling. Although the rose bean paste filling is very fragrant, it is too sweet, so I should do it myself if I have time.

Fried Yuanxiao recipe

4. Take a small piece of dough and wrap it with the prepared rose bean paste filling. The Lantern Festival is as big as you like. The lotus paste filling I made is slightly larger, which makes it easier to distinguish the rose bean paste filling.

Fried Yuanxiao recipe

5. Squeeze it with your hands like this, remove the excess dough, try to make the stuffing thinner, wrap it up and reunite until smooth.

Fried Yuanxiao recipe

6. I made all the Lantern Festivals in the same way, and planned to eat as many packages as I want. I packaged 10 for 2 people.

Fried Yuanxiao recipe

7. Add appropriate amount of oil to the pan, and the oil is 60% hot and ready to be served. Before starting the pan, put the Yuanxiao green dough into the pan until it is smooth and deep-fry on a medium-to-low heat.

Fried Yuanxiao recipe

8. Deep-fried and deep-fried until the surface is golden, the Lantern Festival bulges or even cracks to remove the oil to control the oil.

Fried Yuanxiao recipe

9. Take out the pan and serve.

Fried Yuanxiao recipe


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