Homemade Gotan Peel

Homemade Gotan Peel

by Teacher Kong teaches cooking

4.9 (1)







Fruit tan peel is a childhood memory of many people. When we were in elementary school, at the canteen at the school gate, fruit tan peel was a very popular variety. At that time, the pocket money contributed to the fruit tannins. The sweet and sour taste is a childhood memory!

Although there are still fruit peels on supermarket shelves, the taste is very different from before. I don't know if our taste buds have changed or the food itself has changed. Then you can make yourself a piece of fruit tannin peel, which can relieve the tired snacks of the year, and wake up the taste of childhood, find the memories of childhood, and give it a try.

Homemade Gotan Peel

Wash the fresh hawthorn, remove the stem, cut in the middle, and remove the core.

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

2. Pour the hawthorn into the pot, add 100 grams of rock sugar and purified water.

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

3. Cook over medium heat until soft.

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

4. Remove and let cool until warm.

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

Pour the boiled hawthorn into the wall breaker and add 200ml of hawthorn water.

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

6. Use the "fruit and vegetable" function to make a delicate hawthorn paste.

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

7. Pour the hawthorn puree into a non-stick pan, add 100 grams of white sugar, and stir-fry continuously over medium heat.

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

8. Stir-fry until the jam is thick, the color becomes slightly darker, and there is no moisture. (You can taste it halfway. If you feel that the sweetness is not enough, you can add some sugar. At this time, you can put a small bottle of hawthorn jam, which is also good for breakfast jam.)

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

Pour the fried hawthorn puree on a baking sheet lined with greased paper.

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

10. Scrape it with a scraper, and the thickness is about 0.2 cm.

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

Put it in the oven, the temperature is 100 degrees, the time is 70 minutes, and the baking surface is dry.

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

12. Take out the baking tray from the oven, let it cool, carefully peel off the whole peel from the greased paper, and roll it up as you like.

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe

13. Cut it to the length you like and wrap it in plastic wrap. It seems complicated, but it's actually very simple. It is the three steps of making sauce, stir-frying sauce, and roasting sauce. These three steps are the most tired snacks after the new year. You must try it!

Homemade Gotan Peel recipe


(You can taste it halfway. If you feel that the sweetness is not enough, you can add some sugar. At this time, you can put a small bottle of hawthorn jam, which is also good for breakfast jam.)


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