Lotus Cake

Lotus Cake

by lxp happiness

4.8 (1)




1h 30m



The traditional method of lotus cake is deep-fried at low temperature, which not only keeps the white skin, but also makes the layers more like lotus flowers in bloom. Today I made a modified version of the oven lotus cake, and it feels great!

Lotus Cake

1. Put all the ingredients of puff pastry 1 into the container,

Lotus Cake recipe

2. Knead into a smooth dough

Lotus Cake recipe

3. Put all the ingredients of puff pastry 2 into the container,

Lotus Cake recipe

4. Knead into a smooth dough

Lotus Cake recipe

5. Put all the pastry ingredients into the container and knead it into a smooth dough

Lotus Cake recipe

6. Divide the pastry into 20 doughs, and divide the dough of pastry 1 and pastry 2 into 10 doughs, cover with plastic wrap and let stand for 15 minutes

Lotus Cake recipe

7. Each puff pastry dough is packed with a shortbread noodle,

Lotus Cake recipe

8. After wrapping, close the mouth down, round and place on the dough pad

Lotus Cake recipe

9. Roll out the wrapped puff pastry 1 dough into a beef tongue shape, roll it up from top to bottom, and place it on the dough pad.

Lotus Cake recipe

10. Roll out the wrapped pastry 2 dough into a beef tongue shape, roll it up from top to bottom, and place it on the noodle pad.

Lotus Cake recipe

11. Repeat the method just now, roll all the dough once,

Lotus Cake recipe

12. Then stand the dough up and set aside.

Lotus Cake recipe

13. Press the puff pastry 1 and the puff pastry 2 together, wrap the purple sweet potato filling and squeeze tightly, and close down.

Lotus Cake recipe

14. Use a razor blade to cut out six cuts diagonally on the top of the package, the depth is appropriate to cut the slope dough, and put it in the baking tray

Lotus Cake recipe

15. Preheat the oven in advance, and bake the middle layer at 140 degrees for 40 minutes.

Lotus Cake recipe


1. When the oil skins of 2 colors are superimposed, the oil skin underneath is larger than the one above
2. The color of cucumber is not obvious after baking, it is best to change food coloring


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