Pan-fried Australian Angus Eye Steak

Pan-fried Australian Angus Eye Steak

by Ruffian pig

4.7 (1)








Pan-fried Australian Angus Eye Steak

1. Add butter and appropriate olive oil to the pan, put the steak in (do not marinate in advance) medium-high heat and fry on one side for 3 minutes. Flip and fry for another 3 minutes.

Pan-fried Australian Angus Eye Steak recipe

2. Garnish: Cook finger carrots and purple sweet potatoes. Cut the purple sweet potato into thick slices, cut the finger carrots in half, and put them on the plate for decoration. Mini potatoes cooked and sliced for later use

Pan-fried Australian Angus Eye Steak recipe

3. Put butter and olive oil in the pan and fry the potatoes until both sides are browned, about 3 minutes in total. (Turn over after 1 minute on the first side, how to judge it is half-ripe: the surface of the steak is good for bleeding)

Pan-fried Australian Angus Eye Steak recipe

4. After the steak is fried, put it on a plate, and pour the black pepper sauce on the surface of the steak. (Black pepper sauce: add a little olive oil to the pot to heat up and then pour a little whiskey. At this time, you will find that the pot is spitting fire, which is very handsome~ Then add the black pepper sauce that is sold outside.)

Pan-fried Australian Angus Eye Steak recipe


When cooking at home, you can put steak and vegetables in a pot, so that the gravy can be incorporated into the vegetables, and the side dishes are very delicious. Rosemary for garnish, no other vanilla can be used instead


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