Saliva Chicken

Saliva Chicken

by Shimizu Shark's Fin Kitchen

4.7 (1)







Today I will share with you a spicy and spicy classic dish-saliva chicken, spicy and delicious, and a must-have dish for drinking and relieving gluttons on New Year’s dishes.

Saliva Chicken

1. Wash the chicken legs and put them in a pot of cold water. After the water is boiled, blanch the blood to remove the chicken legs. Take the chicken legs into another pot of boiling water, pour them into the cooking wine, green onions, ginger, garlic, pepper, star anise, bay leaves, etc. It can effectively remove the fishy smell of chicken. When the water in the pot is boiled, turn to medium heat. Cook for 15 minutes. Insert the chopsticks into the meat. It is easy to insert. No blood flows out, indicating that the chicken legs are cooked. If this is just right, don’t cook it again, then turn off the heat. Stew for 10 minutes, this stew is very important, that is, the chicken is soaked, so as to maintain the integrity of the chicken skin.

Saliva Chicken recipe

2. In the process of cooking chicken drumsticks, you can put a small pot of purified water in the refrigerator for half an hour, or ice cubes are also good. Dump the chicken drumsticks into ice water to make the chicken drumsticks completely cool. When the cold water is shocked, the chicken skin is very crisp. It’s not greasy at all, we all choose the chicken skin first for this dish of saliva chicken. The chicken skin is the most delicious and crispy, very delicious.

Saliva Chicken recipe

3. Chop the green onion, ginger, garlic, celery, coriander, and prepare the chili oil and peanuts. Even if you have cilantro, put some celery on it. Celery makes this dish of saliva chicken particularly fragrant. Don’t forget to put it on when you make it.

Saliva Chicken recipe

4. Put a large handful of sesame peppers into a small bowl, pour into a small bowl of boiling water, then put it in the microwave for 1 minute and let it cool completely

Saliva Chicken recipe

5. Make the sauce: put 2.5 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of white sugar, 1.5 tablespoons of original soy sauce, pepper water, a little bit of broth from the boiled chicken legs, and minced green onion, ginger and garlic in a small bowl. Heat up the wok and let the peppercorns fragrant, turn off the heat and wait for half a minute. When the oil temperature drops slightly, add the dried red pepper and fry it until fragrant. Pour the peppercorn oil into the sauce

Saliva Chicken recipe

6. The sauce is ready

Saliva Chicken recipe

7. Tear the cool chicken legs into a small basin by hand

Saliva Chicken recipe

8. Add chopped peanuts, coriander, celery, a little salt

Saliva Chicken recipe

9. Pour in the gravy, sesame oil, scoop on the spicy red oil, mix well in a bowl, and serve.

Saliva Chicken recipe


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