Salmon Pie

Salmon Pie

by Small stop

4.6 (1)







When it comes to pie, the first thing that comes to mind is apple pie, pineapple pie and other desserts. I rarely see you making vegetable pie. Today, I made salmon pie, salty, for 3 people. Not a traditional dessert or coffee dessert, but a nutritious main meal. "


Salmon Pie

1. The raw material is salmon, which is rich in omega to prevent the three highs, but the fat content is also relatively high. It is recommended to take about 100 grams once a week. Fresh cheese is in the lower right corner of the egg. I choose lemon with a fat content of 1.5% and organic ones. Wait a minute. The leek and salmon used to get rid of fishy fishes are still very harmonious. If you have a better choice, You can replace cherry tomatoes with other ones. If you don’t like roasted tomatoes, you can remove this one.

Salmon Pie recipe

2. As a northerner, I love noodles so much. For my health, I started to eat whole-wheat noodles as much as possible about a year ago. I haven't mastered the skills of making whole-wheat noodles. The pie crust is mainly high-gluten flour, flour and butter. Today I bought a ready-made whole-wheat pie crust. Take it out of the refrigerator and wake up for about 15 minutes. Spread the pie evenly on the pie, use a fork to make some small eyes, preheat the oven to 190/200 degrees, put in the middle layer, and bake the pie crust for about 15 minutes. After the oven is out, the oven temperature is adjusted to 180.

Salmon Pie recipe

3. Cut salmon into pieces, size as you like, cut leek into 1 cm wide and narrow slices of lemon zest

Salmon Pie recipe

4. Stir the eggs and fresh cheese well, add some salt

Salmon Pie recipe

5. Wait for the baked pie crust to cool down, put the fish pieces and leek in evenly

Salmon Pie recipe

6. Sprinkle the lemon zest evenly

Salmon Pie recipe

7. Add peas, leave a few, and garnish until flat

Salmon Pie recipe

8. Pour the mixed eggs and fresh cheese evenly into the plate

Salmon Pie recipe

9. Sprinkle shredded cheese

Salmon Pie recipe

10. Finally, I put the cherry tomatoes, I didn’t pick them, just to embellish them

Salmon Pie recipe

11. Middle level of the oven, 180 degrees, about 35 minutes

Salmon Pie recipe

12. Sprinkle the remaining peas and make the final garnish

Salmon Pie recipe


When spreading the pie crust, don't use too much force, it will stick to the plate.
After being out of the oven, let it cool for 10-20 minutes so that things will not fall apart.
The time I mentioned here is also approximate, the size of the oven is different, and the time used is also different.


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