Sauerkraut and Broad Bean Puree

Sauerkraut and Broad Bean Puree

by Food·Color

4.6 (1)







Broad bean contains calcium, zinc, manganese, phospholipids, etc., which are important components for regulating the brain and nerve tissues, and is rich in chostone, which has the effect of enhancing memory and brain strengthening. The calcium in broad beans is beneficial to the absorption and calcification of calcium by bones, and can promote the growth and development of human bones. It is rich in protein and does not contain cholesterol, which can improve the nutritional value of food and prevent cardiovascular diseases. The vitamin C in broad bean can delay arteriosclerosis, and the dietary fiber in broad bean hull can reduce cholesterol, promote bowel movement and prevent bowel cancer. However, broad beans contain allergenic substances, and a very small number of people with allergies will have different degrees of allergies, acute hemolysis and other poisoning symptoms, which is commonly known as "fava bean disease."


Sauerkraut and Broad Bean Puree

1. Ingredients: 1 small dish of sauerkraut juice, 1 small piece of sauerkraut, 170 grams of fresh broad beans; several peppers, 1 small piece of ginger, 1 garlic, appropriate amount of green onion, a little oil

Sauerkraut and Broad Bean Puree recipe

2. Boil broad beans and let them cool in water. After peeling, use a rolling pin to crush it into a slightly granular mud. Chopped sauerkraut, ginger and garlic, smashed, set aside

Sauerkraut and Broad Bean Puree recipe

3. Pour a little oil in the pot, add the pepper, ginger and garlic, to burst the fragrance, remove it and use it. Pour the sauerkraut and stir fry until it tastes good. Add the mashed broad beans, stir-fry, pour the sauerkraut juice into the pot and stir-fry evenly.

Sauerkraut and Broad Bean Puree recipe

4. After the soup is dried, put it out of the pot, serve it, and sprinkle with chopped green onion

Sauerkraut and Broad Bean Puree recipe


Broad beans don't have to be completely crushed into fine powder, they have a little grain and have a richer taste.
Sauerkraut juice is the water for pickling sauerkraut, which has a strong saltiness, so no salt is added to the finished product. The sauerkraut juice can also be replaced with water, and seasoning appropriately according to the amount of sauerkraut


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