Spongebob and Pie Star Cake

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake

by Rainy Night Star Morning 727

4.9 (1)







The night before I made this cake, I dedicated a bunch of pictures of SpongeBob on the Internet and carried out literacy. I found out that SpongeBob is actually a chef: o, but I prefer SpongeBob’s friend Pie Daxing, a optimistic pie. My pink starfish, once won the title of "the laziest, fanciest starfish who does nothing", "doing nothing" is my dream; P! My friend asked me to make a big star SpongeBob SquarePants cake, and then make a Crab Wong Bao and put it next to SpongeBob with a green cream dripping Crab Wong Bao in the middle. . . This creative MS is good, but I really don’t have the cooking skills of SpongeBob SquarePants, so I can’t make Crab Wong Fort: Q.

Finally, the cake was made and two good friends were chatting. In fact, the reason SpongeBob is so happy is because Pai Daxing is willing to be with him2. In this world, there are many people who always look at you 2 and very few people who accompany you 2. "

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake

1. The cake is divided into two

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

2. Whipped cream

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

3. Spread cream on a slice of cake

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

4. Sprinkle with yellow peach pulp

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

5. Also put cream on another slice of cake

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

6. Flatten the two pieces of cake with cream, and gently press it with your hands.

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

7. Cream

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

8. Use a toothpick to draw a picture of Sea Baby and Pie Daxing on the cake.

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

9. Use chocolate to draw the outline of the picture

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

10. Then use strawberry drawstring cream to draw the tongue and tie

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

11. Toning

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

12. Decorate

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

13. Decorate

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

14. Decorate

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

15. Decorate

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

16. finished

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

17. finished

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe

18. finished

Spongebob and Pie Star Cake recipe


For this cake, I only used a bougainvillea mouth with No. 67, and the others were cut holes in a piping bag.


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