Tender Salad

Tender Salad

by Blue rain and sunshine 780913

4.7 (1)







The color is bright, and the entrance is crisp and tender. It is a side dish for dinner. "


Tender Salad

1. Wash the tip of the dish and set aside.

Tender Salad recipe

2. Add water to the pot, and some salt must be added, so that the green leaves of the vegetables will not change color.

Tender Salad recipe

3. After the water is boiled, pour it into the tender tip and turn it over quickly with chopsticks. Remember to turn it over with chopsticks so that every leaf of the vegetable will touch the water and change color quickly.

Tender Salad recipe

4. When the tip of the dish changes color, take it out immediately, add the sauce, vinegar and other seasonings, and mix well.

Tender Salad recipe

5. success!

Tender Salad recipe


1. Put salt first after the water is boiled to keep the leaves green. 2. After the water is boiled, pour into the tender tip, turn it over quickly with chopsticks, remember to turn it over with chopsticks, so that every vegetable leaf touches the water, quickly change color and remove it, otherwise the vegetable leaf will be boiled to death. Crisp and tender.


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