Three-color Toast

Three-color Toast

by meggy dancing apple

4.6 (1)







The recipe for this three-color toast still uses the old recipe, 350 grams of toast powder, 50 grams of egg liquid added, and 180 grams of milk. If you calculate the amount of liquid based on 60% of the amount of flour , Then 210 grams of water is almost the same. A total of 230 grams of egg liquid and milk were added. The result was to follow the old recipe. After the bread machine kneaded the two procedures, there was still no film on the dough. After a closer look, I felt that the amount of liquid was still low, so I took the dough out of the bread maker, put it on the mat and knead it again. A total of about 30 grams of this water is added, and this is considered to be a film, but at this time the yeast has gradually begun to play a role, so I did not wait for the glove film, so I straightened the dough and stuffed it directly. Go to the bread machine for basic fermentation. Calculated in this way, bakery and toast flour is very draughty, that is, what we usually call the water absorption rate is relatively high, 350 grams of flour, 50 grams of egg liquid, 180 grams of milk, 30 grams of water, this liquid volume is indeed Not small!
Although the toast made with a bread machine has two broken skins and delamination on the inside, the toast tastes very good and it is also very soft. Especially when the three colors are matched together, there is a visual collision, which is really beautiful. "


Three-color Toast

1. Materials ready

Three-color Toast recipe

2. Toast powder, yeast, sugar, milk, and egg liquid are put into the bread bucket

Three-color Toast recipe

3. When you knead the dough, you can put in softened butter and continue to start the kneading process

Three-color Toast recipe

4. When the dough is kneaded enough to pull out a large piece of film, the kneading is over

Three-color Toast recipe

5. Round the dough and place it in a bread bucket for basic fermentation

Three-color Toast recipe

6. When the dough is 2.5 times its original size, dip your fingers in flour and poke a hole on the top of the dough without shrinking or collapsing. The dough will ferment successfully.

Three-color Toast recipe

7. Take out the dough, place it on the kneading pad, weigh it with an electronic scale, and divide it into three equal parts

Three-color Toast recipe

8. Take one of the dough and knead it with matcha powder to form a green dough

Three-color Toast recipe

9. Take another dough and knead in red yeast rice powder to form a red dough

Three-color Toast recipe

10. Three kinds of dough are ready, let relax for 10 minutes respectively

Three-color Toast recipe

11. Take the white dough and roll it into a rectangle about the width of the bread machine bucket.

Three-color Toast recipe

12. 12. Roll out the loose green dough and red dough in turn into rectangular dough pieces of the same size as the white dough, and put them together, try to make the dough pieces fit without gaps

Three-color Toast recipe

13. Loosely roll the dough into a roll

Three-color Toast recipe

14. 14. Put it in the bread bucket for secondary fermentation

Three-color Toast recipe

15. 15. When the dough is 2.5 times the original size, you can choose the bread machine "bake" program, 40 minutes

Three-color Toast recipe

16. The toast is out of the oven, and the surface is broken when it is fermented, but it doesn’t affect my love for it at all

Three-color Toast recipe

17. Pour the toast out of the bucket immediately, let it cool on the drying rack, and seal the bag for storage

Three-color Toast recipe

18. Take a look at the slice, the organization is still very good, the pattern is also very clear and beautiful

Three-color Toast recipe

19. Although there are two pieces of dough that don’t fit well, the softness is quite good.

Three-color Toast recipe


Bakery's toast flour has a high water absorption rate, which is more liquid than conventional bread flour. So if you use other brands of bread flour or high-gluten flour to make toast, please increase or decrease the amount of liquid according to the actual situation. ; 30 grams of water in the formula was not added to the dough all at once. It was found that the dough did not come out of the film for a long time. After inspection, it was judged that the amount of liquid was small, and it was gradually kneaded in by hand. The amount of clean water; the baking time and temperature of each brand of bread machine are not the same, so please set the time and color according to the situation of your own bread machine; this can be used in the oven, but please according to the mold and The production method can be adjusted or converted.


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