Tofu Soup with Radish Balls

Tofu Soup with Radish Balls

by Bean mommaomao

4.6 (1)







The radish is the best in winter. After the red radish and white radish are washed out of the water, add flour and seasonings and deep-fried them into meatballs. The soup is very delicious.


Tofu Soup with Radish Balls

1. Shred the red and white radish, add two tablespoons of salt, and marinate for 10 minutes.

Tofu Soup with Radish Balls recipe

2. Add flour, five-spice powder, chicken essence and oil and stir well

Tofu Soup with Radish Balls recipe

3. Take an appropriate amount and beat back and forth with two palms to form balls

Tofu Soup with Radish Balls recipe

4. Put the meatballs at the oil temperature of 50%, and fry them slowly on medium heat until they are set

Tofu Soup with Radish Balls recipe

5. Turn to high fire and deep-fry until golden yellow and remove it for later use

Tofu Soup with Radish Balls recipe

6. Ham, sliced tofu, chopped green onion and parsley and set aside

Tofu Soup with Radish Balls recipe

7. Bring to a boil with water, add sliced ham, tofu, and radish balls and boil until tumbling, then simmer for 2 minutes.

Tofu Soup with Radish Balls recipe

8. Add salt and chicken essence to taste

Tofu Soup with Radish Balls recipe

9. Sprinkle with chopped green onion and coriander before serving

Tofu Soup with Radish Balls recipe


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