Wontons in Clear Soup

Wontons in Clear Soup

by Bean mommaomao

4.8 (1)







Pork is rich in protein and fat, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other ingredients. It has the functions of invigorating the body, nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, enriching muscles and skin. The wonton is rich in nutrition, can provide essential amino acids and fatty acids, can promote the absorption of iron, and has a good effect on the treatment of iron-induced anemia.


Wontons in Clear Soup

1. Prepare the ingredients, mix all the ingredients with the tail number 1 together, stir into meat fillings and set aside.

Wontons in Clear Soup recipe

2. Ingredients with the tail number 2 ingredients, beat the eggs and spread them into egg pancakes, cut into silk, chop green onion, parsley, and shred seaweed for later use.

Wontons in Clear Soup recipe

3. A piece of chaotic skin with meat filling in one of its corners.

Wontons in Clear Soup recipe

4. Fold in two.

Wontons in Clear Soup recipe

5. Turn over and close your mouth behind your back.

Wontons in Clear Soup recipe

6. Pack all of them for later use.

Wontons in Clear Soup recipe

7. Prepare an empty bowl and put all the seasonings with tail number 3.

Wontons in Clear Soup recipe

8. The wontons are cooked and fished out.

Wontons in Clear Soup recipe

9. Pour into the seasoning bowl.

Wontons in Clear Soup recipe

10. Put scallions, coriander, egg skins and seaweed on top.

Wontons in Clear Soup recipe

11. Pour in the soup of freshly cooked wontons, no wontons.

Wontons in Clear Soup recipe


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