Boiled Hundred Days Red Peanuts

Boiled Hundred Days Red Peanuts

by Wanshanhong

4.6 (1)







It's the New Year, and the dishes that go with wine during the New Year are indispensable, and the stewed peanuts can be used as snacks as well as dishes with wine. The popularity is still very high. So cook it in a pot during the Chinese New Year. Today I used raw Hundred Days Red peanuts. The peanuts have a very red inner skin. It is said that the blood-tonifying effect is even better. If you can't buy Hundred Days Red, ordinary raw peanuts are also possible, and the method is the same. "


Boiled Hundred Days Red Peanuts

1. Let’s first look at the difference between Hundred Days Red and ordinary peanuts. First of all, the color of peanut shells is redder, and the seeds are smaller. Generally, a peanut is four-grained, while ordinary peanuts are light in color and have larger grains. 2 continuous grains.

Boiled Hundred Days Red Peanuts recipe

2. Wash peanuts.

Boiled Hundred Days Red Peanuts recipe

3. Prepare a boiled meat: 4 star anise, 30 Chinese pepper, 2 cinnamon, 4 dried chili, 5 bay leaves, 1 ginger, 10 grams of salt.

Boiled Hundred Days Red Peanuts recipe

4. Add water to the casserole, boil and simmer for ten minutes.

Boiled Hundred Days Red Peanuts recipe

5. Pour the peanuts into the brine, do not cook, soak for one day. Let the peanuts fully taste, press a plate on it when soaking, and prevent the peanuts from floating on the water.

Boiled Hundred Days Red Peanuts recipe

6. After soaking for a day, bring it to a boil. After the high heat is boiled, turn to a low heat and cook for one and a half hours, at least one and a half hours. It is better to cook more.

Boiled Hundred Days Red Peanuts recipe

7. Do not fish out the cooked peanuts, and soak them in brine for a long time to taste better.

Boiled Hundred Days Red Peanuts recipe

8. Take it out after soaking and start eating.

Boiled Hundred Days Red Peanuts recipe


Dried peanuts need to be soaked for a long time to soften, so make them more frothy and don't rush to cook them. If it is fresh peanuts, soak them for about 2 hours before they can be boiled.


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