Broad Bean Braised Rice

Broad Bean Braised Rice

by Teacher Kong teaches cooking

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It's the season when broad beans are on the market again. When you see the broad beans piled up like hills in the vegetable market, you will involuntarily think of "broad bean stew". I like to use broad bean rice to make this braised rice, which is very tender. Broad bean rice is the green broad bean that is not yet fully mature and is in the growth phase. The two layers of shell are peeled off, and the meat left behind is naturally emerald green and fresh and sweet.

This way of eating a vegetable rice is a combination of meat and vegetables. The appearance is white, red, and green. The color is bright, the fragrance is strong, the meat is fragrant, the bean is sweet, and the rice is oily but not greasy. It can relieve gluttony and fill the stomach. At the same time, it is simple and convenient, easy to learn and easy to use. Every time I eat broad bean braised rice, I can eat one or two more bowls of rice than usual. It’s really not greasy to eat.

Broad Bean Braised Rice

1. Wash and peel fresh broad beans, leaving the meat.

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

2. Wash the Cantonese sausage and slice it.

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

3. Wash the bacon and slice it.

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

Put an appropriate amount of oil in the pan, the oil is 70% hot, and stir-fry the sausage and bacon for 2-3 minutes.

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

5. Add broad beans.

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

6. Stir the ingredients evenly.

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

7. Add cooked rice and a small bowl of water.

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

8. Cover the pot, turn to low heat and simmer for about 20 minutes.

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe

It's almost done when you hear the slight crackling sound in the pan, sprinkle an appropriate amount of salt, and stir-fry evenly. (The bacon and sausage have a salty taste, so you don’t need to add salt.)

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe


Take out the pan and serve. The combination of broad beans and cured meat is so delicious that you will definitely not be addicted to a bowl

Broad Bean Braised Rice recipe


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