Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking]

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking]

by Teacher Kong teaches cooking

4.6 (1)







Speaking of butter cookies, it can be said to be a well-loved classic biscuit, especially its unique crispness. As long as one bite, the crispness will spread in the mouth instantly, as the cookie slowly melts in the mouth. , The aroma is overflowing, especially suitable for the elderly and children to eat.

The raw materials for butter cookies only need low-gluten flour, butter, fine sugar, and egg yolks. They are easy to use, and even novices can grasp it immediately. Hope you can make it a success! After you have mastered it, you can add other ingredients to make matcha flavor, chocolate flavor, purple potato flavor, etc., a variety of delicious flavors are waiting for you to explore!

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking]

The butter is taken out of the refrigerator in advance, and then softened at room temperature to a creamy shape, which can be easily removed with a spatula. (When making cookies, it is best to soften the butter at room temperature, because too much water is softened, and too much butter will also affect the cookie pattern.).

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe

First add 1 gram of salt, then add the caster sugar in twice, and pour in half first.

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe

Use the lowest level of the whisk, mix in the fine sugar, and stir until you can't see it.

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe


Pour in the other half of the white sugar and mix well with a whisk.

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe

Add 1 egg yolk.

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe

Continue to use the lowest level of the whisk to mix the egg yolks evenly. Make sure to mix well.

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe

The low-gluten flour is sieved twice and added. (The ratio of flour to butter is almost 1:1, which is one of the reasons why cookies are crispy.)

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe

Use a spatula to cut and mix well, the previous butter is softened in place, and the flour is easily absorbed by the butter.

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe

9. Mix well with a spatula until the dry powder is no longer visible and stop. Do not over-mix. If the flour becomes gluten, the cookie pattern may disappear.

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe

Prepare a thicker piping bag, put on the piping mouth, and put in the butter batter. (Actually, it is not difficult to squeeze a beautiful cookie flower. The shape of the decorating mouth can be chosen arbitrarily, generally medium size 8 teeth/6 teeth are fine.)

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe

Spread tin foil on the baking tray and squeeze out cookie flowers.

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe

12. Before squeezing the flowers, preheat the oven up and down to 150 degrees for 10 minutes. Put the bakeware in the oven after preheating.

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe


The oven temperature is set to 150 degrees, and the time is about 30 minutes. (There will be a temperature difference in the oven, so you need to adjust it according to your own oven to avoid over-bake.)

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe

The baking tray is taken out of the oven. At this time, the butter cookie is soft just after baking. Don't move it. When it cools at room temperature, it will become crispy. (After cooling, put it in an airtight jar at room temperature. Cookies cannot be refrigerated. After being refrigerated, they will become damp and soft. They must be stored at room temperature and can be stored for more than 2 weeks.)

Butter Cookies [ms. Kong Teaches Cooking] recipe


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