Cat's Claw Gnocchi

Cat's Claw Gnocchi

by Elegant piano rhyme

4.9 (1)







Today is the Lantern Festival on the 15th of the first lunar month. Let’s make a cat's claw dumpling and have a good time, blessing reunion and happiness! "

Cat's Claw Gnocchi

1. Water milled glutinous rice glutinous rice dumpling powder, add appropriate amount of hot water about (80) degrees to form a moderately hard dough, wake up for half an hour.

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

2. Steam the purple sweet potato in the pot, press it into a puree, add a few drops of lemon juice and stir.

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

3. It became pink.

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

4. Add a little warm water and stir to boil.

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

5. Strain and pour glutinous rice flour into a pink dough, use it to make cat's paws, and wake up for a while.

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

6. The white dough is divided into equal parts, of any size.

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

7. Wrap in homemade bean paste filling.

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

8. Wrap it into a circle with tiger-mouth wrapping method.

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

9. Press it gently again.

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

10. Pink balls of different sizes are rubbed,

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

11. Put the powder ball on the white dough according to the shape of the cat's paw,

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

12. The cat's claw is ready.

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

13. Add appropriate amount of water to the pot, boil and add the dumplings, use a spoon to gently push the bottom to turn it, and cook until it floats.

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

14. looks like?

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe

15. Happy Lantern Festival!

Cat's Claw Gnocchi recipe


Don't rub the stuffing vigorously when filling it, pinch it in with your hands and rub it gently, otherwise the stuffing will leak easily.


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