Deer Tendon Soup

Deer Tendon Soup

by elmonte

4.6 (1)







This soup strengthens bones and kidneys, expels wind and dampness, and has certain curative effects on backaches and joint pain. "


Deer Tendon Soup

1. Soak the deer tendon with water for one night.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe

2. Cleanse Morinda cirrhosa.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe

3. Achyranthes is also called Niuqi wash clean.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe

4. Red dates are pitted.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe

5. Peel and slice ginger or pat flat.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe

6. Lean meat bleeding.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe

7. Deer tendons also fly into the water.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe

8. Fill the electric pressure cooker with water to the mark of 8 cups.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe

9. Put the above ingredients in, and press the "Save soup" button to start cooking.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe

10. Wash the medlar.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe

11. When the soup is ready, open the lid after the natural exhaust, put the wolfberry in the lid, keep it warm and simmer for 15 minutes.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe

12. Using an electric pressure cooker to cook soup is quick and convenient, and it also solves the problem of purine in old fire soup.

Deer Tendon Soup recipe


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