Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide)

Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide)

by Dragon Climb

5.0 (1)







A day of feeding parents


Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide)

1. Rinse the fish fillets with salt, remove the gelatin, add salt, black pepper, starch, and mix the egg whites evenly, then add a little oil, grab, mix and marinate in water for 15 minutes.

Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide) recipe

2. Boil the sauerkraut in the water for 3 minutes, then remove the water and drain it. Put the sauerkraut in the pot and sauté until fragrant.

Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide) recipe

3. Wash the fish bones and put a little cooking wine to marinate to remove the fishy. Chop the white onion, minced ginger, minced garlic, and dried chili for later use.

Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide) recipe

4. Sprinkle a little salt with cold oil in a hot pan and fry the fish bones until both sides are set.

Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide) recipe

5. After the fish bones are shaped, add chopped green onion, chopped ginger, chopped garlic, and sauerkraut and stir-fry evenly.

Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide) recipe

6. Stir-fry for 3 minutes, add boiling hot water, and season with white vinegar, sugar, black pepper, salt, and chicken powder.

Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide) recipe

7. Cook until the thick white fish soup is ready to remove the sauerkraut and fish bones and put them in a bowl.

Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide) recipe

8. Leave the fish soup in the pot and boil over medium heat. Put the fish fillets one by one. Don't stir them on the way. After all the fish fillets are finished, stir the fish fillets slowly to prevent sticking.

Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide) recipe

9. Boil the fish fillets on high heat for 3 minutes, then remove them and spread them on the sauerkraut.

Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide) recipe

10. Add minced garlic, dried chili, pepper, green onion and drizzle with hot oil before eating.

Home-style Sauerkraut Fish (beginner's Guide) recipe


When heating the oil, pay attention to a small fire, so as not to panic the novice babies if the oil temperature is too high.


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