Kimchi Soy

Kimchi Soy

by sunshinewinnie

4.7 (1)







This dish is super simple to make, but it tastes so delicious. It is perfect for eating in summer.

Kimchi and soybeans, the first requirement is that you have kimchi in your home. Of course, if you don’t have it, it’s actually very easy to make it yourself. Copy the following link to view private Sichuan kimchi.

The original reason for making this dish was that the kimchi made last time was processed several times because of the weather, but the flowers kept growing. I was too lazy to deal with it, so I discarded it. I made a new jar of kimchi based on the mother’s recipe I remembered last time. I paid more attention this time. I always moved to the air-conditioned room. I didn’t expect it to grow again on the third day after it was made. , Completely collapsed, after learning from the pain, I felt that the reason for the growth of flowers was the temperature, so I re-purchased the kimchi jar that can be put directly into the refrigerator. After changing the kimchi jar, there was a lot of kimchi water. I didn’t want to waste kimchi water. Dish dishes. PS: After putting it in the refrigerator, no flowers have been regenerated, great.
When you eat it, mix it with rice or noodles. Don't forget to add kimchi water. It tastes great. Of course, it is also good with porridge.

The kimchi water for soaking soybeans looks as pure and transparent as the previous kimchi water. It was taken when the photo was taken when it was just soaked, and it was basically the color of clear water. The water here has already been soaked in the vegetables, so it won’t. So translucent again. "


Kimchi Soy

1. Soybeans are soaked in water one night in advance.

Kimchi Soy recipe

2. Soybeans rose significantly the next day.

Kimchi Soy recipe

3. Wash the soybeans and put them in water. After the water is boiled, cook for about 50 minutes. The cooking time is adjusted according to the softness and hardness you like.

Kimchi Soy recipe

4. Prepare your favorite kimchi. Today, I prepared pickled carrots, pickled ginger and pickled peppers. I also prepared some fresh cucumbers, all of which were diced.

Kimchi Soy recipe

5. The cooked soybeans drain the water and let cool.

Kimchi Soy recipe

6. Prepare kimchi water.

Kimchi Soy recipe

7. Pour the diced vegetables into the soybeans.

Kimchi Soy recipe

8. Pour in kimchi water and it's OK, you can add some chili oil to taste even better.

Kimchi Soy recipe


Ingredients: assorted kimchi, soybeans, cucumber seasoning: kimchi water and chili oil. The kimchi and soybeans that can't be eaten can be sealed and stored in the refrigerator. When you want to eat, pour out some chili oil. The taste is great.
1. The kimchi post I posted before is my mother's recipe. I thought that kimchi water would also be used for food, so when I made it again this time, I changed the tap water to mineral water, and I was worried about whether it would be because of the change of water. After that, the kimchi water will become squeamish, which is okay for now.
2. When making kimchi water this time, some white wine was added. White wine not only has aroma, but also prevents blooming, but the amount is not large and the taste is good. The amount is estimated, and there is no specific weighing.
3. The cucumbers I added today are fresh cucumbers. If you want to soak cucumbers, remember not to put the cucumbers directly in your kimchi jar, but scoop some kimchi water out to soak them separately, because cucumbers are easy to spoil the salt water.
4. Now there is tender ginger, you must buy some to soak it. The soaked ginger is great to eat directly. It is used to fry shredded pork and the taste is superb.


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