Magical Spiced Hot Chocolate

Magical Spiced Hot Chocolate

by Grace small kitchen

5.0 (1)







For me, drinking only pure milk is unacceptable anyway. The smell and taste of pure milk make me unacceptable. But adding some other things is different. In summer, some fresh fruits will be added. In winter, the taste of hot drinks with chocolate is quite wonderful. It is inevitable that sometimes it feels monotonous. Although there are more chili powder and cinnamon powder in the food, I can't help putting it in this cup of drink. I think the taste is amazing. I really can't describe it. I only know if I have tried it.


Magical Spiced Hot Chocolate

1. Prepare all ingredients

Magical Spiced Hot Chocolate recipe

2. Put chocolate, coffee powder, chili powder and milk into the cooking cup

Magical Spiced Hot Chocolate recipe

3. Select the hot drink button to end the run

Magical Spiced Hot Chocolate recipe

4. Pour out and drink

Magical Spiced Hot Chocolate recipe


1. The taste of chocolate can be slightly sweet or bitter, just like it
2. If you add chocolate, it will be a little thicker, and if you add cocoa, it will be thinner. Compared with chocolate, cocoa powder has no fat and is more friendly to weight loss. But for the delicious bite, this calorie counts.
3. Finally, some marshmallows can be put in, and chocolate candies will look better for decoration.


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