Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour

Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour

by Poetic heart

4.6 (1)







The lotus root has a high nutritional value. It is not only rich in iron, calcium and other trace elements, but also rich in plant protein, vitamins and starch. It can obviously replenish qi and blood and enhance human immunity.
Lotus root flour is a traditional nourishing food with a long reputation. It is very good in terms of nutritional value and medicinal effects. In addition to starch, glucose and protein, it also contains calcium, iron, phosphorus and a variety of vitamins. Chinese medicine believes that lotus root can replenish the five internal organs, the spleen and stomach, and nourish blood and qi. The nature of raw lotus root is sweet and cool, and the nature of cooked food changes from cold to warm. It is easy to digest, and has the effects of promoting body fluid and clearing away heat, nourishing stomach and yin, invigorating the spleen and qi, and nourishing blood to stop bleeding.
Lotus root flour is a kind of flour without gluten. It is made from dried lotus roots. It is relatively time-consuming. So I use fresh lotus root to make fresh lotus root flour. The appearance is crystal clear and the taste is extremely tender. Any impurities. It is very suitable for you, children and the elderly. (If you have sweet-scented osmanthus at home, add a little to make it more fragrant.)
"Lotus is a treasure, winter lotus root is the most tonic." In this winter, let's make more bowls of fresh lotus root noodles for children and elders who can't bite lotus roots. "


Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour

1. Material drawing. (Lotus root, rock sugar)

Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour recipe

2. First prepare a bowl of water.

Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour recipe

3. Wash the lotus root, peel it, cut into small cubes, and soak in clean water.

Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour recipe

4. Install a filter on the food processor.

Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour recipe

5. Put the lotus root in the filter, and pour the lotus root soaked water at the same time.

Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour recipe

6. Stir it into a juice.

Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour recipe

7. Pour the stirred lotus root juice into the casserole. (Be careful not to remove the lid, otherwise the filter will loosen and the lotus root dregs will seep into the lotus root juice)

Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour recipe

8. When the pouring is finished, the lotus root powder in the lotus root juice previously poured will settle at the bottom.

Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour recipe

9. Stir the lotus root powder juice with a spoon first. Then turn on the medium heat again, and when the pan heats up, change it to a low heat.

Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour recipe

10. Stir while boiling until the lotus root flour is transparent, sticky, and well cooked. Add rock sugar midway.

Pure Taste without Additives-homemade Fresh Lotus Root Flour recipe


Poetry heart phrase:

1: It is best to choose old lotus root, not too tender.

2: When stirring, the food processor should be equipped with a filter, because the filter is finer than any filter colander. This will make the finished product taste better.

3: Be sure to stir well before boiling, and then turn on the fire. And be sure to keep stirring while cooking.

4: At first, you can use medium heat. When the hand that stirs in the pot can feel the heat obviously, change the heat to low to avoid cooking.

5: When the lotus root is cut, it should be soaked in clean water immediately to avoid oxidation and blackening. When cutting, use a clean knife board that specializes in cutting fruits, because you don't wash it after you cut it, so as not to wash off the lotus root powder.

6: When it's time to cook, don't use an iron pot. The lotus root powder will be unclean and white. It's best to use a casserole. The effect is very good.

7: The lotus root flour paste produced at my ratio is just right. It is about the same thick silk as the one I bought. If you like it thinner, you can use a little more water. It is recommended not to dry it at my ratio, because it will be too silky.


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