Sour Soup and Spicy Pork Knuckles

Sour Soup and Spicy Pork Knuckles

by An Xiaochu 520

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How can the delicacy of sour soup resist? Although the hot and sour pork knuckle is a cold dish, it is also suitable for the autumn and winter seasons, sour and spicy appetizer, but it is simple to make~

Sour Soup and Spicy Pork Knuckles

1. Cut the pig's knuckle vertically from the palm of the hand, and then cut it three times horizontally, taking care not to cut the pig's knuckle.

Sour Soup and Spicy Pork Knuckles recipe

2. Clean the pigs' hands and boil the water for later use.

Sour Soup and Spicy Pork Knuckles recipe

3. Put the pork knuckles in a pressure cooker, add 5g each of green onion, ginger and garlic, press to mature, and let cool.

Sour Soup and Spicy Pork Knuckles recipe

4. Put the stewed pork knuckles into a bowl, cut the green and red beauty peppers into cubes, and put them in the bowl.

Sour Soup and Spicy Pork Knuckles recipe

5. Then put in the wild sanjiao and pour in the wild sansho water (note that the wild sansho water should not pass the pig's knuckles).

Sour Soup and Spicy Pork Knuckles recipe

6. Add the ginger slices, add the remaining seasonings, and brew for about 30 minutes.

Sour Soup and Spicy Pork Knuckles recipe


Quick and convenient, hot and sour appetizer, spicy enough to warm the body~


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