Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers

by Achen Qingcheng

4.7 (1)







Caper Beans Rou Mo is a traditional Han nationality dish in Sichuan Province, belonging to Sichuan cuisine. Made with cowpea, pork, watercress, etc. Stir-fried rice with fried capers, porridge, noodles, and biscuits are very fragrant. "


Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers

1. Two bags of capers, take out the beans and soak in water for later use. I forgot to take the soaking picture, forgive me

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

2. A piece of hind leg meat, peeled and washed, chopped into minced meat for later use

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

3. Add cooking wine, a little light soy sauce, a little ginger powder, a little white pepper, a little cooking oil, a little cornstarch to the minced meat, mix well and set aside, marinate for about ten minutes

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

4. Heat a pan, a little oil, add the marinated minced meat, stir fry. If you like the burnt texture of the minced meat, you can stir-fry for a while, if you like the tender meat, you can use the minced meat to change color and serve.

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

5. Peel the ginger, wash and mince, peel the garlic, wash and cut the minced garlic, dry tempeh appropriate amount, set aside

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

6. One red pepper, remove the stalk, wash, and cut into small cubes

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

7. The capers are soaked in water for half an hour. If you don't like too sour, you can change the water several times in the middle. Remove, squeeze out the water, and cut into small cubes

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

8. Heat a pan with cold oil, add ginger, minced garlic, dried tempeh, stir fragrant

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

9. Add capers diced, stir fry over medium heat until the water is dry,

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

10. Add diced red pepper and stir fry

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

11. Add minced meat and stir fry. Because the tamarind pork has a salty taste, taste the saltiness, add a small amount of light soy sauce, and stir-fry for a minute or two, then it will be out of the pot.

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

12. Finished product

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe

13. The minced pork with capers is slightly spicy and salty, sour and delicious. Whether you eat bibimbap noodles with steamed buns, it is delicious

Stir-fried Minced Pork with Capers recipe


Beans are rich in high-quality protein, carbohydrates, multiple vitamins, trace elements, etc., which can supplement the body's signature nutrients. The B vitamins contained in it can maintain normal digestive gland secretion and gastrointestinal peristalsis, inhibit cholinease activity, help digestion, and increase appetite.


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