Two-color Pansy Roll

Two-color Pansy Roll

by Fei Er loves food

4.9 (1)







This Spring Festival pasta has become a mainstream delicacy, and the southern partner has become a northerner abruptly. Today I will learn a beautiful flower roll, and I am looking forward to whether it will become the next Internet celebrity hot product.

Two-color Pansy Roll

1. Purple sweet potato is steamed, peeled and pressed into puree

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

2. 2 grams of yeast is dissolved in 30 degrees warm water, and let stand for 10 minutes

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

3. Put 30 grams of water, 150 grams of flour, 140 grams of purple potato mash, and yeast into the bread bucket

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

4. Select IMIX program to start kneading

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

5. Knead until the surface is smooth and stop, take out the dough and cover with plastic wrap for later use

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

6. Put 100 grams of water, 200 grams of flour, 2 grams of yeast, and 10 grams of sugar into the bread bucket

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

7. Still choose the IMIX program to knead into a smooth dough, take it out and let stand for 5 minutes

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

8. Knead the two doughs separately

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

9. Roll out into rectangular flakes, with white on the bottom and purple on the top, stacked on top of each other

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

10. Roll it from top to bottom, knead evenly

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

11. Use a knife to cut into the same size agent, the width is 1.5cm, two into a set. One part of it is cut into 4cm width and fermented and steamed directly, which is the two-color Hanamaki.

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

12. The two 1.5cm wide are placed opposite each other, with the end facing upwards, revealing a part

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

13. Use chopsticks at a lower position to make the two dough sticks together

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

14. The butterfly shape is ready

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

15. Put them in a cage with paper, leaving a distance between each other

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe

16. In a 30-degree warm water pot, ferment to double the size Turn on the fire, keep the water on for 15 minutes, turn off the fire for two minutes and then slowly open the lid

Two-color Pansy Roll recipe


The water absorption of flour is different, and the water content of purple sweet potato is also different. The water content can be adjusted appropriately


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