Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta

by freesiaa-made

4.8 (1)







Video address: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjY3NzAzNzU5Mg==.html
In the gourmet kingdom of France, there are three top-level dishes: foie gras, truffle, and caviar.
Truffle, also called truffle, is a wild edible fungus that grows underground. Unlike general mushrooms, truffle spores are not spread by wind, but by small animals that eat truffles. Truffles are extremely demanding on the growth environment. Truffles cannot undergo photosynthesis and cannot survive independently, so they generally grow under pine, oak, hazel, and orange trees; they cannot be cultivated artificially. The yield is scarce and expensive, which is comparable to gold. In France Known as the "Black Diamond", the special aroma of truffles fascinates many people.
Truffles are generally eaten raw. If the heating temperature is too high, the special aroma is easy to evaporate. It can be grated, sliced, sprinkled on pasta or fried eggs, or used as a sauce with steak.

1. It is best to use linguine (tagliatelle dry linguine). When cooking the pasta, the weight of the dry pasta: water weight = 1:17, and add 1% salt of water weight to the water and cook Please follow the time provided in the package.
2. Cooking pasta and mushroom sauce are done at the same time. Generally, it takes about 7 minutes to cook the sauce and the pasta separately. If the cooking time of the pasta is relatively short, you need to make the sauce in advance. I would rather let the sauce Sauce and wait for the pasta, so that the pasta will not become nóng.
3. Parmigiano-Reggiano (Parmigiano-Reggiano), and the taste of truffle are very good, it is not recommended to use other cheese instead of Parmigiano.
4. If you like, you can also add about 20g of whipped cream to the mushroom sauce. It tastes great after trying it. The last decorative leaf is basil.
Ingredients for 1 person

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta

1. Cut half of the black truffle into thin slices and save the other half.

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta recipe

2. Cook the pasta, dry pasta weight: water weight = 1:17, and add 1% water weight salt to the water.

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta recipe

3. After the water boils, turn on the medium heat, add the dried pasta, and gently scatter the noodles. The cooking time can be referred to the time on the packaging bag. Do not cook too softly.

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta recipe

4. Turn on medium heat. After the pan is hot, pour in some olive oil, add white mushrooms (or other favorite mushrooms), fry until golden, turn to low heat, pour in diced onions, fry until the onions become transparent, add butter, etc. The butter melts slowly.

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta recipe

5. Grate into the parmesan cheese and black truffle, and stir-fry evenly.

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta recipe

6. Add a small bowl of noodle soup (about 200g), turn off the heat after boiling and set aside. (If you like, you can also add about 20g of whipped cream to the mushroom sauce. It tastes great after trying it.)

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta recipe

7. When the pasta is cooked, put it directly into the mushroom sauce.

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta recipe

8. Add appropriate amount of salt and black pepper to taste (the cooked noodles are already salty, you can taste it without adding too much salt.)

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta recipe

9. Serve the pasta on a plate, and then grated parmesan cheese on top.

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta recipe

10. Top with thinly sliced black truffles and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Ungrounded ~ Black Truffle Pasta recipe


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