Birthday Cake

Birthday Cake

by Muyi Study Room

5.0 (1)







The most eye-catching things in life can also decorate beautiful cakes..."


Birthday Cake

1. Use tomato skins to make red roses for later use

Birthday Cake recipe

2. Divide the cake into three slices

Birthday Cake recipe

3. Wet the cake slices with rum and sugar water

Birthday Cake recipe

4. Spread the vanilla butter frosting evenly so that the top layer of cake is covered in two layers

Birthday Cake recipe

5. Whipped cream and sugar

Birthday Cake recipe

6. Take most of the whipped cream and smooth the surface of the cake

Birthday Cake recipe

7. Mix the remaining cream with coloring and put it into a piping bag to squeeze out the lace

Birthday Cake recipe

8. While putting rose and mint leaves, write the words with chocolate solution and sprinkle with small chocolate particles

Birthday Cake recipe


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