Garlic Sea Bass

Garlic Sea Bass

by Sister Mon

4.9 (1)








Garlic Sea Bass

1. Detailed ingredients (pictured) A sea bass, about a catty, after removing the scales and internal organs, rinse it off, put salt on the whole body, marinate for about 2 minutes, and then rinse with water.

Garlic Sea Bass recipe

2. Then remove the thorny part of the fish, (pictured).

Garlic Sea Bass recipe

3. The remaining fish will be sliced, don't cut off the skin. (Pictured)

Garlic Sea Bass recipe

4. Then add some salt and pepper to marinate (pictured).

Garlic Sea Bass recipe

5. The marinated fish is evenly coated with starch (pictured).

Garlic Sea Bass recipe

6. Then apply egg liquid evenly (as shown in the picture).

Garlic Sea Bass recipe

7. Put oil in the pot and cook it to about 70°C before adding the fish to fry.

Garlic Sea Bass recipe

8. Put the fried fish meat on a plate, and fry the fish bones with a flour paste until golden and place them on the bottom of the fish for decoration.

Garlic Sea Bass recipe

9. Cut the garlic into coarse pieces and fry it until golden and crisp and put it on the surface of the fish.

Garlic Sea Bass recipe

10. Appreciation of the finished product... Just add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce when eating.

Garlic Sea Bass recipe

11. Appreciation of the finished product... The porridge can be served with rice, crispy and delicious.

Garlic Sea Bass recipe

12. Finished appreciation...

Garlic Sea Bass recipe


Any fish will do.


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