Handmade Chocolate

Handmade Chocolate

by Tong Gago

4.7 (1)







What can show sincerity better than homemade chocolate? Want to give the male ticket home-made chocolate, but worry about hand injury? Don't worry, I will teach you the easiest way!

Real handmade chocolate making is more than just simply melting it, just pour it into a mold, and good chocolate making requires tempering. First, let everyone spread the knowledge of chocolate temperature adjustment. The purpose of temperature adjustment is to make the cocoa butter crystallize and solidify in the best state to obtain a finished chocolate with a shiny surface. There is a large amount of cocoa butter in chocolate, and the crystals will change at different temperatures from 16°C to 35°C. If the temperature is not adjusted, the chocolate surface will be rough and lack luster. After being left for 2 to 3 days, the cocoa butter will float on the surface and appear white, causing the so-called "hoarfrost phenomenon." We adjust the temperature of the chocolate to ensure that it is smooth on the outside and soft on the inside when you taste it. Hand-made chocolates generally need to be tempered, while the cocoa butter substitute chocolate is a non-tempered chocolate. "


Handmade Chocolate

1. Prepare materials and tools. I make tempered chocolate. I need a needle thermometer, a small pot for melting chocolate, and a heart-shaped chocolate mold.

Handmade Chocolate recipe

2. Chop the chocolate with a knife to melt it better.

Handmade Chocolate recipe

3. Use water heating method, the best hot water temperature is 60°c, keep stirring in the same direction, and be careful not to let water vapor enter the chocolate.

Handmade Chocolate recipe

4. Stir while heating, heat the chocolate to between 50-55 degrees. This is the melting temperature of dark chocolate. Be careful not to exceed 55 degrees. If the chocolate is overheated, water and oil will separate and agglomerate.

Handmade Chocolate recipe

5. When this temperature is reached, turn off the heat, take out the small pot and place it on the marble table, and continue to stir in one direction until the temperature drops to 27-28 degrees.

Handmade Chocolate recipe

6. Put it back in the heated pot and heat up to 30-32 degrees.

Handmade Chocolate recipe

7. Quickly pour the chocolate into the piping bag.

Handmade Chocolate recipe

8. Cut the flower mouth into a small opening and squeeze from the bottom of the mold. After squeezing, gently shake the mold to shake off the bubbles.

Handmade Chocolate recipe

9. Put the mold in the refrigerator for one hour and wait until the chocolate has solidified, then release the mold.

Handmade Chocolate recipe

10. A very sincere Valentine's Day gift, do you like it?

Handmade Chocolate recipe

11. Doing it by yourself has a different meaning.

Handmade Chocolate recipe


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