Hot and Sour Noodles

Hot and Sour Noodles

by Brother Xiaoyu's private house

4.8 (1)







Originated in the west of Sichuan, it is a traditional specialty snack in Sichuan Province, Chongqing City, Guizhou Province and other places. Sweet potato is a common food in life. It is rich in protein, starch, cellulose, amino acids, vitamins and a variety of minerals. It has anti-cancer, heart protection, emphysema, diabetes, and weight loss effects. I use it today. Sweet potato noodles to make this cute hot and sour noodles!


Hot and Sour Noodles

1. Today I used sweet potato flour to make a special snack: hot and sour flour,

Hot and Sour Noodles recipe

2. Cut the ingredients well and set aside,

Hot and Sour Noodles recipe

3. Soak the sweet potato flour in boiling water for half an hour,

Hot and Sour Noodles recipe

4. Sauce: dark soy sauce + light soy sauce + vinegar + spicy fresh dew + chicken essence + sesame oil,

Hot and Sour Noodles recipe

5. Boil the sweet potato flour for 8-10 minutes,

Hot and Sour Noodles recipe

6. Pour out the right amount of broth (the crucian carp stewed at noon ^O^),

Hot and Sour Noodles recipe

7. Pour the sauce to taste according to your own taste,

Hot and Sour Noodles recipe

8. Sprinkle a handful of chopped green onions,

Hot and Sour Noodles recipe

9. Put on peanuts, pickled peppers, and millet spicy,

Hot and Sour Noodles recipe

10. Finally, a spoonful of chili oil, done! "Shibali sweet potato flour, special potato quality, naturally more delicious"! ╭(╯ε╰)╮

Hot and Sour Noodles recipe


1: Put the sweet potato flour in a cool and ventilated place.
2: Try to avoid moisture during storage to avoid mold.
3: After the seal is sealed, it can also be stored in the refrigerator.


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