Jujube Sesame Cake

Jujube Sesame Cake

by Chick_hebycE

4.8 (1)







Today I chatted with my friend about the jujube paste dim sum. She said that she liked it very much. I promised to give her this recipe that I had not had time to organize before. Although the photo is not satisfactory, I still think this recipe is worth staying. The crispy outer skin is sweet. The glutinous jujube puree with sesame filling, this Chinese dessert is extremely delicious, very suitable for women, and will make it later if there is a chance. "


Jujube Sesame Cake

1. Finished picture

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

2. Prepare all ingredients;

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

3. After the butter is softened, add egg liquid and maltose and mix well;

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

4. Add ordinary powder and baking soda to the liquid after mixing;

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

5. Put on disposable gloves and make dough, cover with plastic wrap and relax for an hour;

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

6. The jujube paste filling is divided into ten equal parts and rounded;

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

7. The loose dough is divided into ten equal parts and rounded;

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

8. The dough is a little sticky, spread grease paper or plastic wrap on the chopping board, wear disposable gloves to prevent sticking and flatten the crust;

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

9. Pack stuffing;

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

10. Use the tiger's mouth to slowly pinch the mouth and round, complete each one in turn, and put it in the baking tray;

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

11. Squeeze gently with your hands, brush the surface with water and sprinkle with sesame seeds;

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

12. Put it in the middle layer of the preheated 180 degree oven and heat up and down for about 20 minutes;

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

13. Take a recent photo

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe

14. Jujube stuffing grows like this!

Jujube Sesame Cake recipe


1) Making the jujube paste filling; the jujube is boiled and pressed into a puree, put in an appropriate amount of honey sesame and fried glutinous rice flour, stir evenly and the jujube sesame filling is! 2) The temperature of the oven is not absolute, you should decide the temperature yourself according to the temper of your own oven.


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