Kidney Flower Noodle Soup

Kidney Flower Noodle Soup

by I have dried shrimp

4.8 (1)







What about this meal at noon during working hours? Go to the dining hall to eat? No, no, no...I would rather cook a bowl of noodle soup by myself. I believe that many people are like me. When eating alone, for simplicity, cook a bowl of noodles after one meal, but we have to be nice to ourselves, at least this bowl of noodle soup There must be vegetables and meat too! Let’s cook this bowl of noodles today...


Kidney Flower Noodle Soup

1. Wash the pork loin in advance and remove the red and white part inside. This part is the heaviest. Slice it and soak in clean water to remove the blood and taste. Change the water once or twice during the period.

Kidney Flower Noodle Soup recipe

2. A collection of ingredients, soaked pork kidneys, shredded pork, three slices of ginger, a few pieces of rape, and a handful of dried noodles. Arrange the amount of materials by yourself!

Kidney Flower Noodle Soup recipe

3. To start preparing, boil the water, add a little bit of cooking oil, add the rapeseed to the boil, remove and set aside.

Kidney Flower Noodle Soup recipe

4. Put some dried noodles in the soup just now and cook for a while. This kind of dough is more resistant to cooking.

Kidney Flower Noodle Soup recipe

5. Add pork loin, pork, and a few slices of ginger. Remove scum.

Kidney Flower Noodle Soup recipe

6. Cook it again after it is boiled. It is fine if the meat is not red. Don't cook it for too long, otherwise the meat will be old and batter. This is why I blanch the vegetables first, and then cook the noodles. If you don’t mind, the vegetables can be cooked together later. Turn off the heat, add some salt and chicken powder for seasoning. I just put some salt on my own.

Kidney Flower Noodle Soup recipe

7. Out of the pot! Let's enjoy it!

Kidney Flower Noodle Soup recipe

8. come together!

Kidney Flower Noodle Soup recipe


Zhongyu Qingshui dried noodles are refined and processed from Zhongyu Sunshine wheat through advanced production technology. The noodles are slender to ensure that the noodles have a lingering texture and firmness. It is an ideal choice for focusing on the quality of life and savoring life. With its unique characteristics of quick and easy cooking, smooth and delicious, it is deeply loved by consumers.


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