Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns

by April light rain

4.8 (1)







A huge and delicious European bag, it has a refreshing touch of green, the mochi is soft and soft, and the dried fruit brings a unique aroma after roasting. The fragrant matcha taste in the mouth is mixed with the Q feeling of mochi and the texture of dried fruit. Unique sweetness, don’t want the ones that are delicious~
This recipe is 6 pieces of matcha mochi soft European buns.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns

1. Mix 300g of high-gluten flour, 75g of whole wheat flour, 85g of whole egg liquid, 192ml of purified water, 30g of butter, 55g of fine sugar, 5g of salt, 4.5g of high sugar-tolerant yeast, and 15g of Isuzu matcha powder, and knead to the glove film state. As shown~

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

2. The kneaded dough is rounded and placed in a container, covered with plastic wrap, and fermented at room temperature to 2 to 2.5 times its size.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

3. Put 166 g of glutinous rice flour, 48 g of clear noodles, 70 g of fine sugar, 270 ml of pure milk, and 24 g of liquid butter into the container, stir evenly, and sieve twice.
The sieved batter is covered with plastic wrap and steamed for 40 to 60 minutes, and it is ready to be steamed.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

4. Stir the steamed mochi slightly.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

5. Move the mochi onto the chopping board and knead it into smooth mochi dough, and divide it into six equal parts.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

6. For the fermented dough, dip your fingers into the dough with a little dry powder, so that the face does not shrink or collapse.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

7. The fermented dough is taken out and moved to the chopping board, exhausted with bare hands, and divided into even six equal parts.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

8. The divided dough is rounded, covered with plastic wrap, and rested for 20 minutes.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

9. Take out the loose dough and roll it into a rectangle, and also roll the mochi dough into a rectangle. Mochi noodles cover the surface of matcha noodles, as shown in the picture~

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

10. Sprinkle with 5g brown sugar powder, 20g molasses-free red beans, 6.5g raisins, 6.5g cranberries, 6.5g dried date slices, and 5g brown sugar powder.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

11. Roll it up and roll it into an olive shape.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

12. Place it in a non-stick baking pan.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

13. After shaping, it will be fermented again, and it can be fermented in a fermentation tank or in an oven. I choose the oven to ferment, put the bread dough into the oven with the same bowl of hot water, and the bread dough will ferment to 2 times the size. Fermentation environment: temperature 38 degrees, humidity 75%.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

14. For the fermented bread embryo, the oven is preheated at 170 degrees and the fire is up and down.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

15. Sift a thin layer of high-gluten flour on the surface, and use a sharp knife to make the pattern you like.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

16. Put the bread dough into a fully preheated oven for baking.
Baking: 150°C up and down, bake for about 23-30 minutes. Bake for ten minutes and cover with tin foil to avoid too dark color.

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe

17. Matcha Mochi Soft Ou Bao is out~

Matcha Mochi Soft European Buns recipe


1. Dough and flour have different adsorption capacities. Adjust the amount of liquid according to the state of the flour when kneading. You can reserve 30m of pure milk. If the dough is dry, add a small amount of liquid, do not add it all at once. The overall state of the dough is relatively moist, so be sure to knead it until the film comes out. Don't over-ferment the dough, don't over-spread it


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