Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili

by Lichen Design

4.8 (1)







We in Sichuan like spicy peppers, so we think of many ways to eat spicy peppers all year round. My friend took a small bowl of sweet and sour chili for me to eat. After eating it, I felt that the taste was unforgettable. So I learned to make it under the guidance of my friend. Now I have made it for the third time. The main container is not big. So after eating, make it again and again. If you have a big jar, you can make more, and you can eat it in the coming year. "


Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili

1. Buy the more tender spicy, it tastes more tender, (*^__^*) hee hee.

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe

2. Remove the head and cut into sections for easy tasting.

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe

3. Add salt and marinate for 24 hours (according to the cooking method, not too salty or too weak, master it yourself, it is best to use a drainable net pot, because the water from the pepper will flow out by then).

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe

4. Tender ginger cut off the small pieces (you can also use old ginger, you can also eat it when you use tender ginger).

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe

5. Peel a small bowl of garlic.

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe

6. Pepper (you can use fresh pepper to taste better).

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe

7. Boil a bowl of rapeseed oil and use it after cooling (to prevent mildew on peppers)

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe

8. Rock candy (you can put a little more if you like dessert)

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe

9. White sugar (put 5-6 teaspoons on it)

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe

10. Find a big pot and put all the seasonings together. You can put half a bottle of vinegar, (if you don’t want to be so acidic, you can reduce it a little)

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe

11. Find a container, seal it up, and place it in a cool place. You can eat it in about ten days. (*^__^*) hee hee

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe

12. After a few days, both the tender ginger and garlic can be eaten. It's a good meal! Beautiful! (*^__^*) hee hee

Pickled Sweet and Sour Chili recipe


Sweet and sour chili, sugar and vinegar can just dissolve the spiciness, so it doesn't taste so spicy. It won't make you angry when you eat it, and it can be a great appetite!


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