Pork Hand Braised Noodles

Pork Hand Braised Noodles

by Old U Ai Xiaoxuan Brother

4.6 (1)







Some pork knuckles were left over, and they were frozen when they were taken out of the refrigerator. That's great. But only a few pieces can be used to make pork knuckle braised noodles. . .
Hey, it's definitely a lazy silver trick, dear, come and take it. . . "


Pork Hand Braised Noodles

1. Cooked Pork Knuckles

Pork Hand Braised Noodles recipe

2. White radish, green onion leaves

Pork Hand Braised Noodles recipe

3. Choy Sum and Red Cayenne Peppers from the Balcony

Pork Hand Braised Noodles recipe

4. Noodles

Pork Hand Braised Noodles recipe

5. Shredded white radish and red pepper, chopped green onion

Pork Hand Braised Noodles recipe

6. Choy sum

Pork Hand Braised Noodles recipe

7. Put the cooked pork knuckles into the hot pot, and add shredded white radish after it has melted slightly

Pork Hand Braised Noodles recipe

8. After being slightly fried, add the dough, choy sum, red pepper, chopped green onion, add a little water, and cover the pot

Pork Hand Braised Noodles recipe

9. Stir-fry and get out of the pot

Pork Hand Braised Noodles recipe

10. One more piece

Pork Hand Braised Noodles recipe


The simple pork hand braised noodles is ready. The reason why shredded radish is added is to help digestion. After all, I ate too much meat.


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