Spicy Lotus Root Shreds

Spicy Lotus Root Shreds

by cissey

4.8 (1)







Lotus roots have always been eaten in autumn. I went to the vegetable market today and stumbled upon a stall that was selling lotus roots, so let's buy some and go home to eat. "


Spicy Lotus Root Shreds

1. Material: lotus root, green and red pepper.

Spicy Lotus Root Shreds recipe

2. Wash the green and red peppers and cut into shreds. Wash the lotus roots, peel and shred them, and soak them in water with white vinegar for a while.

Spicy Lotus Root Shreds recipe

3. Stir the fragrant garlic slices in a frying pan.

Spicy Lotus Root Shreds recipe

4. Add green and red peppers and sauté.

Spicy Lotus Root Shreds recipe

5. Stir-fry the lotus root silk quickly (it has always been a medium-high fire).

Spicy Lotus Root Shreds recipe

6. When the lotus root shreds are fry until they are transparent, put a spoonful of Laoganma tempeh hot sauce and stir fry evenly.

Spicy Lotus Root Shreds recipe

7. Add some salt and sugar, and stir-fry well.

Spicy Lotus Root Shreds recipe


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