Steamed Fish, Perfect Tutorial

Steamed Fish, Perfect Tutorial

by Jackylicious

4.7 (1)







Since I have mastered the essentials of steamed fish, I try not to order steamed fish when I go out to eat. Reasons: Firstly, other complicated techniques (such as frying and frying) are more difficult to complete at home; secondly, outside restaurants (especially foreign Chinese restaurants) generally take longer than necessary to ensure the maturity of the fish. 1, 2 minutes, so the fish is actually overcooked in many cases. I have also summed up this essential after referring to the experience of the famous chefs, to ensure that you can steam a "perfect" fish with zero mistakes after you master it. "


Steamed Fish, Perfect Tutorial

1. Due to the limitations of the home kitchen, the most suitable size of the steamer is live fish between 0.9 kg and 1.2 kg, such as osmanthus, perch, and bleu. Buy it back, clean the water inside and out, use kitchen paper/cloth to dry the fish.

Steamed Fish, Perfect Tutorial recipe

2. Use a sharp knife to press the fin of the fish and make a knife along the back of the fish. This step plays a vital role in the uniform heating of the steamed fish (detailed in the experience part later).

Steamed Fish, Perfect Tutorial recipe

3. In the process of steaming fish, in order to keep the upper and lower parts of the fish evenly heated, we put 2-3 small spoons on the steaming fish plate in advance, so that steam flows under the fish. There are also many friends/recipes who recommend using green onions as padding, but the sections of green onions steamed at a high temperature will quickly become soft and lose support, leading to the loss of the original intention.

Steamed Fish, Perfect Tutorial recipe

4. The temperature of steamed fish is to steam the fish in the shortest time with the strongest heat of steam. Therefore, I put the steamed fish plate and the supporting spoon into the pot in advance, so when the water is boiled, only The fish needs to be placed on the spoon and the lid can be closed. In this way, the heat of water vapor will not be absorbed by the fish steaming appliance, and the efficiency of steaming fish can be maximized.

Steamed Fish, Perfect Tutorial recipe

5. For a 1 catty fish, the steaming time is only 6 minutes. For every 0.1 catty more, add 10 seconds, just for reference.

6. While waiting for the fish to come out of the pot, we can take care of the shredded green onions. If you have a green onion knife, it will definitely do more with less. If not, you can use a fork to scrape the green onion along the fibers of the onion.

Steamed Fish, Perfect Tutorial recipe

7. Compared with cutting, this method can roll up the shredded green onions.

Steamed Fish, Perfect Tutorial recipe

8. After the fish is out of the pot, switch to a large plate, spread green onions on the fish, and then pour hot oil on it.

Steamed Fish, Perfect Tutorial recipe

9. Finally, pour appropriate soy sauce on both sides of the fish. There is a saying about the particular steamed fish: soy sauce is not the fish body. That is, the soy sauce can only be poured on the fish body twice. When the diners according to their own taste, the fish meat is grilled to the soy sauce on the bottom of the plate, and the fish meat is picked out after lightly tapping the soy sauce. This principle also applies to the etiquette of eating rice rolls. So next time you eat out, don’t pour soy sauce on the fish.

Steamed Fish, Perfect Tutorial recipe


1. I believe that many readers will ask "Why is ginger not used?". For steamed fish, the fish must be fresh, and there is no problem of removing fishy. Secondly, another function of ginger is to remove the muddy taste, but if the fish has a muddy taste, steaming is not recommended. Braised in brown sauce or steaming with mustard pork will be more suitable. For high-quality fish, the taste of ginger is more to steal the freshness of the fish, so I do not recommend using ginger on steamed fish.
2. I believe that many friends who consider the issue of even heating will score two or three knives on the front and back of the fish body. This is also what many recipes and even TV shows teach. First, let us understand the distribution of fish meat together. The most densely distributed part of the fish is the back. The abdomen of the fish is only a thin layer of meat due to the removal of the internal organs. Imagine that if the horizontal knife goes from the back of the fish to the belly of the fish, it will make the belly of the fish that are already easy to cook further accelerate the rhythm of cooking. On the contrary, the problem of poorly cooked fish has not waited for a good improvement. Through this method introduced in the article, the back of the fish can be opened to the greatest extent, whether it is steamed or fashionable mineral water soaks.
3. The fish skin will burst after steaming, please don't worry, this is a sign of fish freshness, and the shredded onion also mentioned the role of ugliness to a great extent in this link.
4. If you want the green onion to be more rolled, you can soak the green onion in ice water.
5. The master of Cantonese cuisine has a very straightforward description of "bone red meat off" for the control of steaming fish, that is, the main backbone of the fish is still red after the most bone-in fish meat is uncovered. I hope everyone will become familiar with their own stoves and find the most suitable time for their own stoves.


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