Steamed Wuchang Fish (bream)

Steamed Wuchang Fish (bream)

by Demon sister

4.7 (1)







It’s a joy to do what you like to do, and your child will be at least a week


Steamed Wuchang Fish (bream)

1. The fish I bought was broken directly by the mall. When I took it home, I broke the back of the fish with a knife (it tastes better), and put it on a little salt and marinated for more than 10 minutes.

Steamed Wuchang Fish (bream) recipe

2. When marinating the fish, cut the green onions diagonally and cut the tender ginger into shreds. (The reason why I always keep tender ginger is because tender ginger is not easy to get angry. It is suitable for children or people who like to eat. eat

Steamed Wuchang Fish (bream) recipe

3. When the water in the steamer is boiled, start steaming the fish. When steaming, put a little scallion on the fish and steam for about 15 minutes.

Steamed Wuchang Fish (bream) recipe

4. Pick up the scallion from the fish with chopsticks, add fresh scallion, tender ginger, garlic, soaked red pepper, heat up a pot and put in clear oil (or olive oil, depending on personal preference). After the oil is boiled, remove the pepper, pour the oil on the fish, add the steamed fish soy sauce, soy sauce, and start eating

Steamed Wuchang Fish (bream) recipe


1. Do not salt too much for marinating fish, because the soy sauce and steamed fish soy sauce at the back are a bit idle. If you put too much salt in the front, it will be very salty when you eat.
2. It is recommended to put tender ginger, especially for the meal


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