Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish

Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish

by Meimeijia's Kitchen

4.8 (1)







In many places in Hunan, there is a wild vegetable called "Leigong's dung", which is very popular. Gotu's dung is a kind of fungus that grows out of animal dung and grasses in a humid environment. , Belongs to an algae plant.

"Leigong dung" is shaped like a fungus, the color is blue-yellow or purple-green, and its quality is translucent, tender and condensed, and in some places it is also called "earth fungus" and "gexian rice." It is said that the Eastern Jin Taoist and medical scientist When Ge Hong entered the dynasty, he dedicated "Thunder Gong's dung" to the emperor, saying that it can relieve heat and clear fire, improve eyesight and benefit qi. At that time, the prince was frail and sick. The emperor's rejoicing, imperially bestowed the name "Ge Xian Mi".
"Thunder's feces" have a very short lifespan, and they are generally suitable for picking the next morning after the rain, because rain is often accompanied by thunder, and the name of thunder's feces is derived from this! After the rain has passed, the weather will be fine, and the soil will soon be mixed with the soil to dry. Therefore, there is another saying in Hunan: "Eat shit as early as possible", haha, it makes sense.

This baby is only available in the countryside. After the heavy rain, it will be on the ground. Everyone grabs it! It is difficult for people in the city to get money if they have money.

After listening to the introduction of "Lei Gong Shi", do you have the urge to eat this kind of "shit"? Welcome to Hunan to taste!
Gotu Kola is rich in protein, algae starch, and various sugars. It is a wild vegetable with high nutritional value. Testing found that Gotu Kung's feces contained 15 kinds of minerals and vitamin C. Its vitamin content is 15 times that of oranges and 19 times that of seaweed. The carbohydrate content of Gotu Kung feces is also higher than that of ordinary vegetables. So calcium, iron, and blood are also very good choices. If you have the conditions, it is also a good thing to eat such nutritious thunder gong feces regularly.

Another function of Gotu Kung feces is that it can be used to lose weight. It is a low-fat natural health-care dish that can regulate our intestines and stomach, and discharge the fat accumulated on the wall of the intestines and stomach to achieve a weight loss effect. Gotu Kung's feces is also a very good lipid-lowering vegetable, which is very suitable for people with high blood pressure and high blood sugar. Although the effect of diet therapy is relatively slow, gradual conditioning also has good results.

It has been raining a lot recently. I found someone hawking it in the vegetable market. The price is not cheap for 20 yuan a catty. However, there are many ways to make thunder gong shit. The meat is delicious. Don't miss it.


Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish

1. Goku's excrement usually grows in mud, sand and dust. It is more troublesome to clean. Fortunately, the bought now is generally cleaned. Soak the purchased Gotu's excrement in clean water, rinse it several times, and put it in the wrinkles. The mud and sand are washed out.

Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish recipe

2. Scoop out the cleaned Goku's excrement and drain the water for later use.

Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish recipe

3. Bring half a pot of water to a boil, put the cleaned Gotu Kung's excrement in a pot of boiling water, scald it and remove it to drain the water for use. The earthy smell of Gotu Kung's excrement is relatively heavy, and it can be well removed by blanching with boiling water, and it will be more fresh when eaten.

Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish recipe

4. Cut the sour radish into small pieces. It is easy to make the sour radish by yourself. Soak the white radish that has been washed and dried in cold water, add an appropriate amount of salt, and soak for 3 days. It will become sour. It is especially convenient to cook and eat at home. .

Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish recipe

5. Heat the oil pan, pour the minced ginger and garlic into the pan and stir-fry for a fragrance.

Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish recipe

6. Add chopped chili and stir fry for a spicy taste.

Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish recipe

7. Pour the sour radish into the pot and stir fry a few times.

Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish recipe

8. Pour in the drained Goku's feces and stir-fry for a minute on high heat. Goku's feces are easy to be cooked through. Stir a few times to allow it to fully absorb the oil.

Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish recipe

9. Pour a little cold water along the side of the pot, season with salt, and cook until the soup is slightly dry. Put it out of the pot and sprinkle with chopped green onion to garnish.

Stir-fried Lei Gong Shit with Sour Radish recipe


1. The taste of Gotu kung's feces is similar to fungus, but it is very tender and delicious, but it is clear and troublesome. It is best to buy it at the vegetable market. If you collect it in the wild, it will be cleaned to make you doubt your life.
2. Gotu kung's feces are fresh and tender, especially easy to cook, don't fry them for a long time.


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