Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake

by Eyebrow

4.6 (1)







Brown sugar has a special aroma, not as sweet as white sugar, but more nutritious than white sugar. Brown sugar refers to the finished sugar of sugarcane with honey. The sugarcane is formed with honey after squeezing the juice and condensing it. Because it has not been highly refined, it contains almost all the ingredients in cane juice. In addition to the function of sugar, it also contains vitamins and trace elements such as iron, zinc, manganese, and chromium. Mr. Ji Xianlin believes that the origin of brown sugar in our country "begins in a certain period between the Three Kingdoms, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and the Tang Dynasty, at least before the post-Wei Dynasty." It was not widely consumed in the early stage of its production, and was basically used for medicinal purposes. Records "Brown sugar helps the spleen and liver, nourishes blood, promotes blood circulation, clears stasis and detoxification lotion"

Today's recipe uses brown sugar as the filling and hot noodles as the skin to make a sweet and soft snack-brown sugar fried cake, which can be bursting even after one bite!

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake

1. 15 grams of all-purpose flour, stir-fry in a pan over medium-low heat, and fry until the flour is slightly yellow, and just taste that it has no raw flour flavor.

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

2. Brown sugar powder is easy to agglomerate. You can mash it with a rolling pin, then add the flour that has just been fried, and mix well.

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

3. Pour water, salt, sugar and lard into a small pot and heat it to a boil.

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

4. Pour 150 grams of all-purpose flour and 30 grams of glutinous rice flour into boiling water and stir quickly.

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

5. My pot is too small to stir, so I pour it into the basin and continue stirring until it forms a dough and there is no dry powder. The remaining 30 grams of all-purpose flour should be added as appropriate depending on the dry and wet state of the dough. Until the dough is slightly sticky and very soft.

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

6. Dip hand powder or oil on your hands to prevent stickiness, and pull into small doses of about 30 grams each. Hand powder is not in the ingredient list.

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

7. Take a small potion, make a circle, poke a hole with your finger, stick your thumb into the hole, and squeeze it into a small bowl. To watch the specific video, you can also go to my homepage to find and refer to the method in "Nao Yuan Xiao Bao Tang Yuan", the method is the same.​

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

8. Scoop in 4~5 grams of brown sugar filling and close your mouth. To watch the specific video, you can also go to my homepage to find and refer to the method in "Nao Yuan Xiao Bao Tang Yuan", the method is the same.​

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

9. Harvest the small pointed tip as shown in the picture and press it down.

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

10. Squeeze it into the shape shown in the picture, about 5mm thick, taking care not to expose the brown sugar lumps inside.

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

11. It is okay to heat the oil half pot to 130~150℃. Fry the dough over medium-low heat until it floats, and then fry it until golden on both sides.

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

12. One bite, sweet, soft and sticky!

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe

13. Sweet juice garden pure brown sugar cane rich healthy good sugar

Take A Bite of The Brown Sugar Fried Cake recipe


1. My pie crust is to pour flour into boiling water and stir. The common method on the Internet is to pour boiling water into flour. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. My method powder is not easy to agglomerate, and the noodles are completely hot, but it is easy to be wet and sticky, so another 30 grams of flour is prepared to adjust the dryness and wetness. The online method can control the amount of water, but the flour is not completely cooked, and it is easy to have dry flour bumps.
2. I like a softer texture, so use glutinous rice flour instead of part of the flour, you can also use all flour.
3. The small agglomerates in the brown sugar do not need to be tangled, they will melt when fried, but the large agglomerates are easy to pierce the dough, which will cause the brown sugar to melt and flow out during frying, and it must be mashed.
4. When frying the sugar cake, the oil temperature should not be too high, otherwise it will be burnt on the outside and not cooked on the inside; fried until the sugar cake floats and the two sides are golden, it will be cooked.
5. If you want brown sugar fried cakes to have a darker appearance, you can use brown sugar instead of white sugar for the crust material.


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