Three Fresh Potato Flour

Three Fresh Potato Flour

by Beauty every day

4.9 (1)







Both my husband and daughter like to eat noodles. I am worried that the food sold out is just about buying raw materials and making them at home. They are full of praise after eating."

Three Fresh Potato Flour

1. All raw materials

Three Fresh Potato Flour recipe

2. 1) Wash the rapeseed and cut into thin strips 2) Wash the shiitake mushrooms and remove the stalks and cut into thin slices) 3 Cut off the roots of the enoki mushrooms, wash them 4 Water hair fungus, wash and cut into thin strips

Three Fresh Potato Flour recipe

3. Boil the water in a pot, put the right amount of Shi Yunsheng stock and Shisanxiang to cook the aroma, then add the shiitake mushrooms and fungus. The enoki mushrooms will have the taste of shiitake mushrooms after a while, and the potato powder and Qianzhang will be cooked in the pot.

Three Fresh Potato Flour recipe

4. Add rapeseed, chicken essence, salt and turn off the heat.

Three Fresh Potato Flour recipe

5. Pour two drops of pepper oil and a little sesame oil and you can eat

Three Fresh Potato Flour recipe


Don't put too much pepper oil, the by-laws are too numb and not tasty


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