Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce

by Green String Xiaoxiang

4.7 (1)







A person's dinner is always simple, but it is possible to have both simple and nutritious and delicious! Potatoes (that is, potatoes) have the most complete vitamin content of all food crops. Its content is equivalent to 2 times that of carrots, 3 times that of Chinese cabbage, 4 times that of tomatoes, and 4 times that of B vitamins. In particular, potatoes contain carotene and vitamin C, which are not found in cereals, and contain 10 times the vitamin C of apples, and are resistant to heating. Nutritionists have done experiments: 0.25 kg of fresh potatoes is enough to consume the vitamins needed by a person throughout the day and night. Therefore, potatoes are now the star of vegetables favored by nutritionists and are considered to be one of the greatest foods in the world. Add the meat sauce made with green and red peppers, and the nutrition is more comprehensive. "


Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce

1. Put the potato flour into boiling water and boil, remove it and put it in cold boiling water to cool

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

2. Remove and drain the water, transfer to a bowl, add pepper oil, mix well and set aside. (The method of pepper oil: boil the rapeseed oil and let it cool to 70% hot, soak the pepper for 48 hours, then decan the oil)

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

3. Minced Pixian Bean Paste

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

4. Add chopped Pixian watercress to the meat filling, mix well and marinate

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

5. Mince garlic seeds, finely chop green pepper and red pepper and set aside

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

6. Heat up the pan, pour in rapeseed oil and bake it, stir-fry the meat to loosen the color and set aside

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

7. Add minced garlic and fry until fragrant, then add chopped green and red peppers and fry until cooked

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

8. Add 1 tablespoon of soybean paste and mix well to taste

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

9. Stir-fry with minced meat and pour in starch water to thicken

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

10. Stir fry until the sauce is sticky

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce recipe

11. Take it out of the pot, pour it into a bowl of potato flour, mix well and you can eat it

Potato Powder with Double Pepper Meat Sauce recipe


The sauce is used for seasoning, you can put it according to your own taste.


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