Tuna Fried Spaghetti

Tuna Fried Spaghetti

by sourcehe

4.8 (1)







The western food I'm going to introduce today is fried spaghetti with tuna, which can be served in ten minutes. It is very affordable and you can enjoy western food at home.


Tuna Fried Spaghetti

1. Ingredients: 80g canned tuna, 150g pasta, 1 tomato, coriander, salt, olive oil, sugar, light soy sauce

Tuna Fried Spaghetti recipe

2. Boil the water, add the pasta and cook for 6 minutes, remove.

Tuna Fried Spaghetti recipe

3. Drain the removed pasta, add a little olive oil and stir well. Put the oil and mix well, the cooked pasta Q is chewy, non-sticky, very fragrant and delicious.

Tuna Fried Spaghetti recipe

4. Peel the tomatoes and cut into small pieces. The taste of peeled tomatoes, boiled tomato sauce will be thick, smooth, sweet and sour. Tuna, coriander, etc. are all ready.

Tuna Fried Spaghetti recipe

5. Heat the pan, pour the cut tomatoes, add white sugar, stir fry over high heat to get the moisture, change to medium and low heat to simmer a thick tomato paste. Sweet and sour, delicious, pasta and tomato sauce go very well.

Tuna Fried Spaghetti recipe

6. At this time, add the pasta, stir and cook together, so that the sweet and sour tomato sauce is evenly dipped in the pasta.

Tuna Fried Spaghetti recipe

7. Open the lid of the tuna, then add the fish cubes, light soy sauce, and salt to the pot and boil together to get out of the pot. There is a lot of oil in canned fish, so only fish pieces and a little oil. This kind of tuna soup is soaked in olive oil, so olive oil is used when cooking the noodles for better taste.

Tuna Fried Spaghetti recipe


1. Pasta takes longer to cook than ordinary noodles. 2. The pasta should not be too cold. If the water is too cold, it will not chewy. You can add some oil and mix well to make the pasta not sticky and more delicious. 3. Tomatoes need to be peeled for a good taste, and the boiled tomato sauce will be fragrant and thick.


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