Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant

by Gluttonous

4.8 (1)







I saw Zhifei’s new dish—chrysanthemum eggplant, and immediately wanted to make it, but the ingredients at home are different from those of Zhifei. I am a non-carnivorous family, so I can only make an improved version. What to do with it? The old one: Search the kitchen. Searching and thinking about how to make it will taste delicious... Pleasant's head began to turn, turn, turn, there is it! Make a fish-scented chrysanthemum eggplant with barbecue sauce. Okay, let's start. "

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant

1. A few dried chilies.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

2. Two eggplants.
One green pepper.
A few pieces of wild white fungus. (Actually I only have these few pieces)

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

3. When the white fungus water rises, blanch it in boiling water, and cut into shreds for later use.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

4. Cut green pepper into small circles, mince ginger and garlic, and chop minced ginger and garlic as much as possible.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

5. Cut the eggplant into 5 cm long pieces.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

6. Cut the eggplant into sections and then cut into ears. Steam on high heat for 5 minutes.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

7. When the eggplant ears are steamed, use chopsticks to gently poke them away. Look, it looks a bit like a chrysanthemum.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

8. Chop a few dried chilies and soak them with a few drops of old vinegar.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

9. A little bit of dried starch, about 3 grams, boil with water.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

10. Heat the pan with cold oil, add the peppercorns and fry them until fragrant, remove the peppercorns and do not use them. My cute little Dongdong doesn’t have that much trouble. It’s easy to fry the peppercorns in it.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

11. First put the dried chili soaked in vinegar, and immediately add the minced ginger and garlic and stir fry together. Something amazing has happened, you will smell the fishy scent of shredded pork! But it's not that strong, because I don't have fried meat. Next, add white sugar powder, add water, boil, add barbecue sauce, boil again, water the starch, and you can finally add a small grinding sesame oil. I didn't drop it because I didn't like the strong smell of sesame oil. All right! You're done with the fish-flavored sauce.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

12. Green pepper rings are sprinkled on the chrysanthemum eggplant and topped with fish-flavored sauce. Then sprinkle the white fungus wire.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

13. Originally this dish was ready, but after reading my friends' replies, I added a layer of fragrant white sesame seeds.

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe

14. Method: Stir-fried white sesame seeds, add a little bit of salt, and 0.3 grams will do. Use a rolling pin to crush it and sprinkle it on the chrysanthemum eggplant. No way, I'm a glutton, I will never let go of something delicious!

Yuxiang Chrysanthemum Eggplant recipe


Eggplant is one of the few purple vegetables, and it is also a very common home-cooked vegetable on the table. Its purple skin is rich in vitamin E and vitamin P, which is unmatched by other vegetables.

1. Protect cardiovascular and ascorbic acid:

Eggplant is rich in vitamin P. This substance can enhance the adhesion between human cells, enhance the elasticity of capillaries, reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, prevent capillary rupture and bleeding, and maintain normal cardiovascular function. In addition, eggplant has the effect of preventing scurvy and promoting wound healing.

2. Prevention and treatment of gastric cancer:

Eggplant contains solanine, which can inhibit the proliferation of digestive system tumors, and has a certain effect on the prevention and treatment of gastric cancer. In addition, eggplant has the effect of clearing cancer fever.

3. Anti-aging:

Eggplant contains vitamin E, which has the functions of preventing bleeding and anti-aging. Regular consumption of eggplant can prevent the cholesterol level in the blood from increasing, which has a positive significance in delaying the aging of the human body.


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