Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup

by Sunny 99

4.6 (1)







The anhydrous formula is healthy and has no additives, the organization is delicate, the taste is soft, and the finished product will not collapse or shrink! "


Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup

1. Weigh the ingredients and set aside.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

2. The basin should be clean, water-free and oil-free, carefully separate the egg whites and egg yolks, and beat the egg whites directly into the mixing bucket.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

3. Add salt and 10 grams of white sugar (within the amount) to the egg yolk.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

4. Stir well and pour in corn oil.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

5. Pour in pure milk.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

6. Stir again and sift in low-gluten flour.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

7. Stir in a "Z" shape until there are no particles, and set aside for later use.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

8. Squeeze the lemon juice into the egg whites.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

9. Place the mixing bucket. (The picture used is: UKOEO HBD—808 Silent King Chef Machine)

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

10. Add white sugar at level 10 first, then add the remaining white sugar at level 15 at high speed.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

11. Lift the mixing head to observe the state of the protein: it will show a completely upright sharp corner. (The whole time is less than two minutes, it's so fast.)

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

12. Pour half of the beaten egg whites into the egg yolk batter. Stir it in a "J" shape, do not draw a circle to avoid defoaming.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

13. Stir well and pour into the remaining egg whites.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

14. Continue to stir evenly and pour it into the piping bag.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

15. Put the paper cup in the baking tray in advance and squeeze it into the paper cup eighty to nine minutes full. (The picture is a medium-sized paper cup, which can be used for 31-32 cups)

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

16. UKOEO Mammoth hot air stove preheats in advance, hot air function: 130 degrees, bake for 40 minutes (first stage) and then bake at 150 degrees for 10 minutes (second stage)

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

17. The fragrant cupcake cup is out~~~

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

18. Finished picture.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

19. The heat is just right.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

20. Don’t collapse, don’t shrink.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

21. The tissue is delicate and soft.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe

22. Finished picture.

Anhydrous Chiffon Cake Cup recipe


The recipe used is: UKOEO HBD-808 silent king chef machine, 8L mixing bucket, the sound is very, very small, the power of 1300W is less than two minutes and 13 egg whites have been dispensed, it is so fast! UKOEO Mammoth Smart Hot Air Stove 60 liters, can be baked in multiple layers, the temperature is stable, and the color is even. Please adjust the temperature of different ovens appropriately. The amount in the recipe can be 31-32 cups (medium paper cups). Personally, I prefer popped cake cups, because they taste more fragrant, so the egg batter is more full. If you like, you can also pour less and be flexible.


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