Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami

Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami

by Alvin's delicious kitchen

4.7 (1)







There are sausages, cheese, sweet peppers, and more charred black vinegar mushrooms, paired with a little Jalapeños pickled peppers, and finally a roasted garlic, along with the juicy sweet peppers. Need such a juicy and fragrant big mouthful! It's simple and delicious without much explanation. A few steps to make it taste good and you can't run away, let's enjoy! "


Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami

1. Prepare ingredients

Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami recipe

2. Cut the mushrooms into 1 cm square pieces, and cut the crab-flavored mushrooms into small pieces with scissors. 1 pickled pepper cut into 2mm circles, 1 pickled pepper chopped, rosemary finely chopped, bell pepper halved, seeded and white stems removed, cheddar cheese shredded, garlic cut into flat tips. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius

Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami recipe

3. Brush the surface of the bell peppers and garlic with olive oil, sprinkle a little salt, and bake at 180 degrees Celsius in the middle of the oven for 25-30 minutes until the bell peppers are tender and still maintain their shape. Then take out the bell peppers and continue roasting the garlic until tender and golden brown

Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami recipe

4. Take the sausages out into small balls

Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami recipe

5. Put the rosemary in a frying pan and fry on medium heat until the oil comes out, until the sides are slightly caramelized

Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami recipe

6. Heat the remaining fatty oil of the fried sausage until it is slightly smoked (if the fat is insufficient, add some olive oil, about 2 tablespoons of olive oil left in the pot), add the mixed mushrooms and fry, avoid frequent shaking and stirring, and let the mushrooms It can be caramel-colored and quickly evaporate water. When the mushrooms are slightly caramel-colored, sprinkle in black vinegar evenly, stir well, and wait for the sourness of the black vinegar to evaporate and leave only the sweet taste

Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami recipe

7. Pour the previously fried sausage stuffing and chopped pickled peppers into the pot, stir well and spray dry white wine, wait for the alcohol and acidity to dissipate, use a stirring spatula to break up the larger pieces of meat, salt and black pepper Turn off the heat and set aside after seasoning

Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami recipe

8. Fill the filling with roasted bell peppers, sprinkle with shredded cheese, and bake it in the oven until the cheese is melted and slightly golden

Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami recipe

9. After roasting, enjoy with roasted garlic and pickled pepper rings

Black Vinegar Mushrooms and Pepperoni Stuffed with Salami recipe


1. Mixed mushrooms​can contain crab-flavored mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, white mushrooms, etc.;

2. The weighing unit mentioned in the article: 1 tablespoon = 1 table spoon / 1 small spoon = 1 tea spoon / 1 cup = 1 cup;

3. Sweet peppers have a lot of water, so they need to be roasted first to drain the water out of the concentrated sweetness and break the cell wall, making it tender and sweet;

4. Make sure to apply olive oil before roasting garlic, it will be more fragrant after roasting at high temperature;

5. There is a lot of air and moisture inside the mushrooms, so the pot should be hot enough at first, otherwise the water will flow out of the mushrooms faster than the evaporation rate of the water, the pot will not have high temperature and cannot be colored. Reduce the taste;

6. Both wine and black vinegar recognize high temperature. When the wine encounters high temperature, the alcohol and acidity will be dissipated. The same goes for black vinegar, leaving a good taste.


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